Showing posts with label Study. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Study. Show all posts

03 December 2022

Raoul Dufy (1877-1953)

Natureza-Morta na Praia - 1923 - aguarela sobre papel.
Still Life on the Beach - 1923 - watercolour on paper.

Entrada para o Porto de Trouville-Deauville - ca. 1923 - aguarela sobre papel.
Entrance to the Port of Trouville-Deauville  - ca. 1923 - watercolour on paper.

tecido com estampas de elefantes - 1924 - seda, tear Jacquard.
elephants patterned weave - 1924 - silk, Jacquard loom.

Natureza-Morta com Morangos - 1924 - óleo sobre tela.
Still Life with Strawberries - 1924 - oil on canvas.

Janela Aberta em Paris com Composição Floral - ca. 1924 - óleo sobre tela.
Open Window in Paris with Floral Composition - ca. 1924 - oil on canvas.

Estudo de Flores - ca. 1924 - gouache sobre papel.
Study of Flowers - ca. 1924 - gouache on paper.

17 November 2022

George de Forest Brush (1855–1941) - II

A Caça do Alce - 1888.
The Moose Chase - 1888.

A Caçadora Celta - 1890 - óleo sobre tela.
A Celtic Huntress - 1890 - oil on canvas.

Retrato de Henry George - 1903.
Portrait of Henry George - 1903.

A Vingança (A escapada) - 1944.
The Revenge (The escape) - 1944.

estudo de panejamento.
drapery study.

O Silêncio Quebrado.
The Silence is Broken.

01 May 2021

Pompeo Batoni (1708–1787)

Alegoria da Religião, estudo - ca. 1757 - carvão. Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie de Besançon, Besançon, França.
Allegory of Religion, study - ca. 1757 - chalk. Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie de Besançon, Besançon, France.

Pompeo Batoni

estudo dum bebé - carvão. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
study of a child - chalk. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Pompeo Batoni

estudo arquitetônico e decorativo - pena e tinta. Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, Nova Jersey, EUA.
architectural and decorative studies - pen and ink. Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

Pompeo Batoni

Aparição de Nossa Senhora com o Menino Jesus a Um Grupo de Religiosos - sanguínia lápis preto. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Apparition of Our Lady and Baby Jesus to a Group - sanguine and black pencil. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Pompeo Batoni

Anjo a Tocar Bandolin nas nuvens - chalk. Albertina, Viena.
An Angel Playing the Mandolin in the Clouds - chalk. Albertina, Vienna.

Pompeo Batoni

Estudo Acadêmico - carvão e lápis. Coleção particular.
Academic Study - chalk with graphite. Private collection.

Pompeo Batoni

28 May 2019

John Singer Sargent (1856 – 1925) I

projeto de ornamento - 1877.
project of an ornament - 1877.

Retrato de Eleonora Randolph - 1921.
Portrait of Eleonora Randolph - 1921.

Retrato de Margaretta Drexel, Condessa de Winchilsea e Nottingham.
Portrait of Margaretta Drexel, Countess of Winchilsea and Nottingham.