Showing posts with label Benjamin Ulmann. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benjamin Ulmann. Show all posts

12 January 2019

Alegorias II (Allegories II)

Abraham Janssens (1575-1632)
Apoteose de Enéias. Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munique, Alemanha.
The Apotheosis of Aeneas. Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich, Germany.

Elisabetta Sirani (1638-1655)
A Beleza a Repelir o Tempo - óleo sobre tela.
Beauty Fending Off Time - oil on canvas.

Marc Gabriel Charles Gleyre (1806-1874)
Entardecer ou As Ilusões Perdidas – 1843 - óleo sobre tela. Kunstmuseum, Winterthur, Suíça.
Evening or Lost Illusions – 1843 - Oil on canvas. Kunstmuseum, Winterthur, Switzerland.

Louis Baader (1828-1920)
O Remorso - 1875 - óleo sobre tela.
The Remorse - 1875 - oil on canvas.

Benjamin Ulmann (1829-1884)
A Corte Sanciona seu Veredito - 1868 - mural no teto. Cour de Cassation, Paris.
The Court Sanctions a Verdict - 1868 - ceiling mural. Cour de Cassation, Paris.

Oskar Zwintscher (1870-1916)
Entre Joalheria e Canção - ca. 1900.
Between Jewelry and Song - ca. 1900.