Showing posts with label Alexis Falize. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alexis Falize. Show all posts

27 February 2020

Jóias - II (Jewells - II)

peitoral e colar de Sithathoryunet com o nome de Senwosret II - ca. 1887/78 A.C. - Peitoral: ouro, cornalina, lápis lazuli, turquesa, granada; Colar: ouro, cornalina, lápis lazuli, turquesa, granada, feldspato verde. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
pectoral and necklace of Sithathoryunet with the name of Senwosret II - ca. 1887–1878 B.C. - Pectoral: gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, turquoise, garnet; Necklace: gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, turquoise, green feldspar. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
pérola barroca montada como sinete - Século XVII - diamantes, prata, bronze dourado.
baroque pearl fashioned into a seal - 17th century - diamonds, silver, gilded bronze.

pingente espanhol - Século XVIII - ouro e diamantes.
Spanish pendant - 18th century - gold and diamonds.

broche - Século XIX - ouro e topázio.
brooch - 19th Century - gold and topaz.

Alexis Falize (1811-1898), design - broche - 1855.
Alexis Falize (1811-1898), design - brooch - 1855.

pulseira em estilo bizantino - ca. 1880 - ouro.
Byzantine style bangle -  ca. 1880 - gold.