Showing posts with label Alexander Georg Eichen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alexander Georg Eichen. Show all posts

09 March 2021

Mitologia - V (Mythology - V)

Sebastiano Ricci (1659–1734)
A Guerra Entre os Centauros e os  Lápidas - ca. 1715 - óleo sobre tela. Coleçáo particular.
Fight Between Centaurs and the Lapithes - ca. 1715 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Donato Creti. (1671-1749)
A Educaçãode Aquiles - ca. 1715 - óleo sobre tela. Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, Texas, EUA.
The Education of Achilles - ca. 1715 - oil on canvas. Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, Texas, USA.

Benjamin West (1738-1820)
Tétis Entregando a Armadura de Aquiles.
Thetis Bringing the Armour to Achilles.

Alexander Georg Eichen (1818-1846)
Mercúrio Adormecendo Argos - 1844 - óleo sobre tela.
Mercury Lulls Argus to Sleep - 1844 - oil on canvas.

Arnold Böcklin (1827–1901)
Nereidas a Brincar - 1886 - óleo sobre tela. Kunstmuseum Basel, Basiléia, Suiça.
Play of the Nereides - 1886 - oil on canvas. Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel, Switzerland.

Louis Héctor Leroux (1829-1900)
Penélope e Telèmaco - óleo sobre tela.
Penelope and Telemachus - oil on canvas.