Showing posts with label Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe. Show all posts

10 March 2023

Naturezas-Mortas - XII (Still Lifes - XII)

Adriaen van Utrecht (1599-1652).
Natureza-Morta de Peixes no Mercado - ca.1630. Musée des Beaux Arts, Guent, Bélgica.
Still Life with Fishes in the Market - ca.1630. Musée des Beaux Arts, Ghent, Belgium.

Claes Bergoijs (ativo entre 1651-1668 em Amsterdão).
Natureza-Morta - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Claes Bergoijs (active 1651-1668 in Amsterdam).
Still-Life - oil on canvas. Private collection.
Anne Vallayer-Coster (1744–1818).
Natureza-Morta com Elementos Marinhos - 1769 - óleo sobre tela. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Still-Life with Tuft of Marine Plants, Shells and Corals - 1769 - oil on canvas. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Barbara Regina Dietzsch (1706-1783).
estudo para um ramo de cardo - aguarela sobre papel negro. Coleção particular.
study for a thistle branch - watercolor over black paper. Private collection.
Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe (1830-1901).
Natureza-Morta com Flores, Estatueta e Taça de Cristal de Rocha. Coleção particular.
Still Life with Flowers, Statuette and Rock Crystal Goblet. Private collection.
Alfred Henry Maurer (1868-1932).
Natureza-Morta com Alcachofra e Pão - ca. 1929. The Phillips Collection, Washington.
Still Life with Artichoke and Bread - ca. 1929. The Phillips Collection, Washington.


10 August 2022

Naturezas-Mortas - X (Still Lifes - X)

Antonio Pereda y Salgado (1611-1678).
Natureza-Morta com Frutas - 1650. Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisboa.
Still Life with Fruits - 1650. Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon.

Bartolomeo Bettera (1639-1688).
Natureza-Morta com Mapas e Instrumentos Musicais. Coleção particular.
Still Life with Maps and Musical Instruments. Private collection.

Adriaen Coorte (1665–1707).
Tres Pêssegos e uma Borboleta. Coleção particular.
Three Peachs and one Butterfly. Private collection.

Anne Vallayer-Coster  (1744-1818).
Coral, Litófitas e Conchas - 1769. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Coral, Lithophytes and Shells - 1769. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Alexandre Isidore Leroy de Barde (1777-1828).
Mostruário de Conchas - aguarela sobre papel. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Showcase of Shells - watercolor over paper. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe (1830-1901).
Natureza Morta com Vasos de Ágata e Cristal de Rocha. Coleção particular.
Still Life with Agate and Rock Crystal Vases. Private collection.

11 October 2021

Naturezas-Mortas - VII (Still Lifes - VII)

Christoffel Pierson (1631-1714)
Trompe-l'Oeil, natureza morta - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Trompe-l'Oeil, still-life - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Cristoforo Munari (1667-1720)
Natureza-Morta com Melão, uma Taça Octagonal em Azul e Branco Sobre Bandeija Argentina. Coleção particular.
Still Life with Melon, an Octagonal Blue and White Cup on a Silver Charger. Private collection.

Alexandre Isidore Leroy de Barde (1777-1828)
Vasos Gregos e Etruscos - aguarela. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Greek and Etruscan Vases - watercolor. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe (1830-1901)
Flores e Objetos de Arte.
Flowers and Art Objects.

Abbott Fuller Graves (1859-1936)
Flores e Espelho - 1900. Coleção particular.
Flowers and Mirror - 1900. Private collection.

Arthur Segal (1875-1944)
Natureza-Morta com Vidros - 1943. Coleção particular.
Still Life with Glasses - 1943. Private collection.