Showing posts with label Unknown author. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unknown author. Show all posts

19 February 2025

Mitologias Grega e Romana - IV (Greek and Roman Mythology - IV)

Marcantonio Prestinari (1570-1621).
Adônis - 1602 - mármore. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Adonis - 1602 - marble. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

François-Nicolas Delaistre (1746-1832).
Amor e Psiquê - ca. 1788 - mármore. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Love and Psyche - ca. 1788 - marble. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Adamo Tadolini (1788-1868)
Narciso - mármore.
Narcissus - marble.

Étienne-Jules Ramey (1796-1852).
Teseu a Matar o Minotauro - ca. 1820. Jardim das Tulherias, Paris.
Theseus Fighting the Minotaur - ca. 1820. Tuileries Garden, Paris.

artista desconhecido, segundo Ernest Hiolle.
Arion Levado nas Costas do Delfim - bronze.
unknown artist after Ernest Hiolle.
Arion Seated on the Back of a Dolphin - bronze.

artista desconhecido.
Pégaso e Crisaor - mármore.
unknown artist.
Pegasus and Chrysaor - marble.

04 February 2025

Moda - VI (Fashion - VI)

1850 - bolsa - veludo e contas, EUA.
1850 - purse - velvet and beads, USA.

ca. 1853 - vestido de tarde.
ca. 1853 - evening dress.

ca. 1905 - uniforme de oficial do 1º Regimento dos Hussardos Austríacos.
ca. 1905 - officer's uniform of the 1st Austrian Hussar Regiment.

Lucile (Lucy Christiana Sutherland) (1863-1935).
ca. 1918 - traje para chá.
ca. 1918 - tea gown.

ca. 1924 - vestido de tarde.
ca. 1924 - evening dress.

ca. 1925 - organza azul e cetim.
ca. 1925 - blue organza and satin.

28 January 2025

Quadrinhos - XI (Comics - XI)

Outlaw's Hideout - texto de Stan Lee - arte de Al Williamson - Quick Trigger Western #13 - Marvel, Julho 1956.
Outlaw's Hideout - text by Stan Lee - art by Al Williamson - Quick Trigger Western #13 - Marvel, July 1956.

Dear Dead Days: a family álbum - texto e arte de Charles Addams. G.P. Putnam & Sons, 1959.
Dear Dead Days: a family album - text and art by Charles Addams. G.P. Putnam & Sons, 1959.

One-Man Mission! - texto por um escritor desconhecido - arte de Wally Wood - War and Attack #1 - Charlton, Outono 1964.
One-Man Mission! - text by unknown writer - art by Wally Wood - War and Attack #1 - Charlton, Fall 1964.

All My Enemies Against Me! - texto de Gerry Conway - arte de Don Newton e Alfredo Alcala -  Detective Comics #526, Maio 1983.
All My Enemies Against Me! - text by Gerry Conway - art by Don Newton and Alfredo Alcala -  Detective Comics #526, May 1983.

Jean Giraud (1938–2012).

artista desconhecido.
unknown artist.

25 January 2025

Um Relógio e Picault. (A Clock and Picault.)

segundo Émile Louis Picault (1839-1915), O Pensamento a Quebrar suas Cadeias - ca. 1850 - bronze.
after Émile Louis Picault (1839-1915), Thought Breaking its Chains - ca. 1850 - bronze.

a obra original.
the original piece.

23 January 2025

Arte Funerária - XXI (Funerary Art - XXI)

márcara funerária dum jovem egípcio - madeira e vidro. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
a young Egypcian man's funerary mask - wood and glass. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

atribuído a Josep Campeny i Santamaria (1858-1922).
Panteão de August Urrutia i Roldán, detalhe. Cementiri de Montjuïc, Barcelona, Espanha.
attributed to Josep Campeny i Santamaria (1858-1922).
Pantheon of August Urrutia i Roldán, detail. Cementiri de Montjuïc, Barcelona, Spain.

Jazigo d'El Cid e Doña Jimena. Santa Iglesia Catedral Basílica Metropolitana de Santa María de Burgos, Burgos, Espanha.
Tomb of El Cid and Doña Jimena. Santa Iglesia Catedral Basílica Metropolitana de Santa María de Burgos, Burgos, Espanha.

Michel Bourdin (ca. 1585-1645).
Tumba de Luis XI - 1622 - mármore. Basilique Notre-Dame de Cléry, Cléry-Saint-André, França
Tomb of Louis XI - 1622 - marble. Basilique Notre-Dame de Cléry, Cléry-Saint-André, France.

Pierre Bontemps (ca. 1512-ca. 1570).
Tumba de Francis I e Claude de France - ca. 1555 – mármore. Basilique-cathédrale de Saint-Denis, Saint-Denis, França.
Tomb of Francis I and Claude de France - ca. 1555 – marble.  
Basilique-cathédrale de Saint-Denis, Saint-Denis, France.

Roullant Le Roux (ativo entre 1510-1520 em Rouen).
Tumba dos Cardeais George e George d'Amboise, detalhe - mármore. Cathédrale Primatiale Notre-Dame de l'Assomption de Rouen, Rouen, França.
Tomb of the Cardinals George and George d'Amboise, detail - marble. Cathédrale Primatiale Notre-Dame de l'Assomption de Rouen, Rouen, France.

10 January 2025

Animais - XVII (Animals - XVII)

pintor desconhecido.
Caverna de Chauvet - ca. 30,000 A.C.
unknown painter.
Chauvet Cave - ca. 30,000 B.C.

Edwin Henry Landseer (1802-1873).
Um Distinto Membro da Sociedade Humana - ca. 1833.
Distinguished Member of the Human Society - ca. 1833.

Andreas Flinch (1813-1872) segundo Johan Thomas Lundbye.
A Égua e o Poldro - 1841. Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhaga.
Andreas Flinch (1813-1872) after Johan Thomas Lundbye.
Mare and the Foal - 1841. Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen.

Richard Bowdler Sharpe (1847–1909).
Epimachus speciosus de "Monografia Sobre os Paradiseidae, ou Aves-do-Paraíso, e Ptilonorhynchidae, ou Pássaros-das-Pérgulas.
Epimachus speciosus from "Monograph of the Paradiseidae, or birds of paradise and Ptilonorhynchidae, or Bower-Birds".

Abbott Handerson Thayer (1849-1921).
Actias luna (estudo para o livro "Concealing Coloration in the Animal Kingdom".)
Actias luna (study for the book "Concealing Coloration in the Animal Kingdom".)

Ohara Koson (1877-1945).
Lua e Macaco - ca. 1910.
Monkey and Moon - ca. 1910.

06 January 2025

Mulheres - XVI (Women - XVI)

Mulher - ca. 3450 A.C., Nagada, Alto Egito - terracota pintada. Brooklyn Museum, Nova Iorque.
Woman - ca. 3450 B.C., Nagada, Hight Egypt - painted terracotta. Brooklyn Museum, New York.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519).
Dama com Arminho (Retrato de  Cecilia Gallerani) - ca. 1489 - óleo sobre painel. Czartoryskich w Krakowie, Cracóvia, Polônia.
Lady with an Ermine (Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani) - ca. 1489 - oil on panel. Czartoryskich w Krakowie, Krakow, Poland.

Hugues Merle (1822-1881).
A Banhista - 1870.
The Bather - 1870.

austríaca em traje típico.
Austrian women in ethnic dress.

Alter Kacyzne (1885-1941).
Judia, Wyszków, Polônia - 1927.
Jewish Woman, Wyszków, Poland - 1927.

Annie Stegg.
Sussurros da Floresta.
Forest Whispers.

01 January 2025

Vasos - XIX (Vases - XIX)

vaso de perfume - ca. 1760. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
scent bottle - ca. 1760. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

O Vaso Médice, cópia - ca. 1850.
The Medici Vase, copy - ca. 1850.

Ringel d’Illzach (1849-1916).
vaso monumental com personagens báquicos - bronze.
monumental vase with bacchic revellers - bronze.

Ringel d’Illzach (1849-1916).
vaso monumental com personagens báquicos - bronze.
monumental vase with bacchic revellers - bronze.

Wilhelm Schiller & Son (1850-ca. 1914).

Vaso com Gazelas - vidro, França.
Gazelles Vase - glass, France.

30 December 2024

Retratos - XIX (Portraits - XIX)

Pontormo (1494-1557).
Retrato dum Alaudista - ca. 1529. Coleção particular.
Portrait of a Lute Player - ca. 1529. Private collection.

pintor desconhecido, segundo Godfrey Kneller.
Retrato do Rei Carlos II - ca. 1690. Moseley Old Hall, Wolverhampton, Inglaterra.
unknown painter after Godfrey Kneller.
Portrait of King Charles II - ca. 1690. Moseley Old Hall, Wolverhampton, England.

Jean-Baptiste Perronneau (1715-1783).
Retrato de Boaventura Journu - óleo sobre tela - 1767. Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA.
Portrait of Bonaventure Journu - oil on canvas - 1767. Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA.

Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860).
O Presidente Tomás Jefferson.
President Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Eakins (1844-1916).
O Oboetista.
The Oboe Player.

José Benlliure y Gil (1855–1937).
Autorretrato - 1917.
Self-portrait - 1917.