Showing posts with label Egyptian Mythology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Egyptian Mythology. Show all posts

04 January 2025

Men Maiden and Myths.

Nestor Redondo (1928-1995).
Men, Maiden and Myths - San Diego, CA: Schanes & Schanes, 1979.


capa (Perseu e Ariadne).
cover (Perseus and Ariadne).

Guerreiro Víquingue e as Valquírias.

Malacas e Maganda.

Osiris e Ísis.

Odisseu e Circe.

Rei Artur e a Dama do Lago.

Xiva e Parvati.

16 January 2024

Artistas Desconhecidos - VI (Unknown Artists - VI)

Busto dum Nobre - ca. 1550. Castle Howard, Yorkshire, Inglaterra.
Bust of a Noble Man - ca. 1550. Castle Howard Yorkshire, England.

Gladiador Moribundo, segundo Pierre Julien (1731-1804) - bronze.
Dying Gladiator, after  Pierre Julien (1731-1804) - bronze.

Grupo de Escravos, segundo Pietro Tacca (1577-1640) - ca. 1870 - terracota.
A Pair of Slaves, after Pietro Tacca (1577-1640) - ca 1870 - terracotta.

Cavalo a Trotar, segundo Giambologna (1529-1608) - ca. 1850 - bronze.
Pacing Horse, after Giambologna (1529-1608) - ca. 1850 - bronze.

Esfinge - ca. 1850 - mármore.
Sphinx - ca. 1850 - marble.

Busto de Georg Wilhelm Wilding, segundo Bertel Thorvaldsen - gesso patinado.
Bust of Georg Wilhelm Wilding, after Bertel Thorvaldsen - patinated plaster.

05 April 2022

Mitologia - VIII (Mythology - VIII)

artista egípcio desconhecido - Min, deus da virilidade - ca. 2600 A.C. - gneisse. The Brooklyn Museum, Nova Iorque.
unknown Egipcian artist - Min, god od virility - ca. 2600 A.C. - gneiss. The Brooklyn Museum, New York.

Bertoldo di Giovanni (ca. 1420-1491)
Belerofonte e Pégaso - ca. 1480 – bronze. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Viena.
Bellerophon and Pegasus - ca. 1480 – bronze. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.

Battista di Domenico Lorenzi (ca. 1527-1592)
Alfeu e Aretusa - ca. 1569 – marble. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
Alpheus and Arethusa - ca. 1569 – marble. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Artus Quellinus, o Velho (1609-1668).
Ícaro - mármore.
Artus Quellinus the Elder (1609-1668).
Icarus - marble.

Alfred Gilbert (1854-1934).

René Grégoire (1871-1945).
Baco - 1926. Chateau de Versailles, Versalhes, França.
Bacchus - 1926. Chateau de Versailles, Versailles, France.