ca. 26 A.C. - A Cabeça de Méroe (Retrato de Augusto) - bronze, fragmento. British Museum, Londres. ca. 26 B.C. - The Meroe Head - (Portrait of Augustus) - bronze, fragment. British Museum, London. |
ca. 39 - final de trave - bronze. Museo Nazionale Romano, Roma. ca. 39 - beam end - bronze. Museo Nazionale Romano, Rome. |
ca. 50 - Dois Cervos Opugnados por Cães - mármore encontrado em Herculano. ca. 50 - Two Stags Attacked by Hunting Dogs - marble found in Herculaneum. |
ca. 125 - Rio Tibre - mármore. Musée du Louvre, Paris. ca. 125 - Tiber River - marble. Musée du Louvre, Paris. |
ca. 150 - O Apolo Chigi, da Vila Imperial, Roma. ca. 150 - The Chigi Apollo from the Imperial Villa, Rome. |
ca. 150 - O Guerreiro Gaulês Ferido - alabastro, cópia dum original pergamês. Musée du Louvre, Paris. ca. 150 - Wounded Gallic Warrior - alabaster, after a Pergamene original. Musée du Louvre, Paris. |