Showing posts with label Paul Peel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Peel. Show all posts

29 January 2019

Crianças - II (Children - II)

Sophie Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)
Toque e Vá, Ria ou Não - óleo sobre tela - 1857. Private collection.
Touch and Go, Laugh or No - oil on canvas - 1857. Private collection.

Franz von Defregger (1835-1921)
Meioretrato dum Ciganinho.
Half-length Portrait of a Gypsy Boy.

Elizabeth Adela Stanhope Forbes (1859 – 1912)

Paul Peel (1860-1892)
As Cadeiras da Orquestra -1880. Coleção particular.
Orchestra Chairs - 1880. Private collection.

Franz Xavier Kosler (1864-1905)
Retrato duma Duria Egípcia - 1900.
Portrait of a Young Egyptian Girl - 1900.

Pintor Desconhecido da Escola Holandesa, Século XVII
Lutista. Coleção particular.
Unknown Painter of Holland School , 17th Century
Lute Player. Private collection.