Showing posts with label Fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion. Show all posts

04 February 2025

Moda - VI (Fashion - VI)

1850 - bolsa - veludo e contas, EUA.
1850 - purse - velvet and beads, USA.

ca. 1853 - vestido de tarde.
ca. 1853 - evening dress.

ca. 1905 - uniforme de oficial do 1º Regimento dos Hussardos Austríacos.
ca. 1905 - officer's uniform of the 1st Austrian Hussar Regiment.

Lucile (Lucy Christiana Sutherland) (1863-1935).
ca. 1918 - traje para chá.
ca. 1918 - tea gown.

ca. 1924 - vestido de tarde.
ca. 1924 - evening dress.

ca. 1925 - organza azul e cetim.
ca. 1925 - blue organza and satin.

06 January 2025

Feliz Aniversário, Capucine! (Happy Birthday, Capucine!)

em "Fúria no Alasca" - 1960.
in "North to Alaska" - 1960.
6 de Janeiro, 1928.
Feliz aniversário, Capucine!
6th January, 1928.
Happy birthday, Capucine!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.


19 December 2024

A Vestir Robin Hood? (Are They Dressing Robin Hood?)

1937 - As Aventuras de Robin Hood.
Guarda-Roupa de Lon Anthony e Arlington Valles.
IMDB não confirma tais informações, apesar de elas estarem escritas nos desenhos. Também náo encontrei a relação de John Hall neste filme.
 1937 - The Adventures of Robin Hood
Costume designs by Lon Anthony and Arlington Valles.
IMDB do not confirm any of those informations despite they are written on the sheets. I also don't find a conection between Jon Hall with this movie. 


16 November 2024

Propaganda - XIII (Advertisement - XIII)

H.S. Crocker Co.
Our Pride Brand. Highgrove Fruit Co. Highgrove, Calif - ca. 1901.

Schmidt Litho. Co., L.A.
"Delta Brand" California Oranges. Packed by Robert Henderson, Riverside, California - ca. 1905.

Coles Phillips (1880-1927).
Jantzen - 1921.

ca. 1953.

Mugmates - ca. 1968.

BVD Company - 1981.

01 October 2024

ca. 1000 - fivela de cinto - prata doirada, niello.
ca. 1000 - belt buckle - silver-gilt, niello.

ca. 1775 - chinelas.
ca. 1775 - slippers.

ca. 1785 - vestido de dama de companhia austríaca da Rainha Maria Antonieta.
ca. 1785 - Queen Marie Antoinette’s Austrian ladies-in-waiting gown. 

Paul Poiret (1879-1944).
ca. 1921.

ca. 1926 - vestido para cocktails - seda, contas e cristais.
ca. 1926 - cocktail dress - silk, beadwork, and crystals.

ca. 1928 - vestido para cocktails - seda.
ca. 1928 - cocktail dress - silk.

17 June 2024

Feliz Aniversário, Clodovil Hernandez! (Happy Birthday, Clodovil Hernandez!)

17 de Junho, 1937.
Feliz aniversário, Clodovil Hernandez!
17th June, 1937.
Happy birthday, Clodovil Hernandez!
V: Réquiem ætérnam dona ei, Dómine.
R: Et lux perpétua lúceat ei. 
V: Requiéscat in pace. 
R: Amen.

12 June 2024

Moda - V (Fashion - V)

1750 - colete masculino que pertenceu a Claude Lamoral II (1685-1766). Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris, Palais Galliera, Paris.
1750 - men's vest that belonged to Claude Lamoral II (1685-1766). Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris, Palais Galliera, Paris.

ca. 1755.

ca. 1825 - cartola de pelo de castor, Paris.
ca. 1825 - beaver fur top hat, Paris.

ca. 1850.

ca. 1928.

ca. 1952.

02 March 2024

Moda - IV (Fashion - IV)

1890 - bota vitoriana - couro e veludo.
1890 - Victorian boots - leather and velvet.

Mme. Grapanche.
ca. 1885 - vestido de noite - seda. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
ca. 1885 - evening dress - silk. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

1917, 17 de Fevereiro - roupa para golfe de Peggy, 40 Avenue Neil, Paris na revista francesa “L’Art et la Mode”.
1917, 17th February 17 - sport suit for golf Peggy, 40 Avenue Neil, Paris, in the French magazine “L’Art et la Mode”.

1918 - catálogo de moda para Primavera da Sears & Roebuck.
1918 - Spring fashions from the Sears & Roebuck catalog

Albert Witzel (1879-1929).
1920 - Peggy Hamilton (1894-1984) posando com uma criação sua.
1920 - Peggy Hamilton (1894-1984) modeling with her own creation.

1929 - brocado em seda. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, MO.
1929 - silk brocade. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, MO.

06 January 2024

Feliz Aniversário, Capucine! (Happy Birthday, Capucine!)

6 de Janeiro, 1928.
Feliz aniversário, Capucine!
6th January, 1928.
Happy birthday, Capucine!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

℟. Et lux perpetua luceat ei

℣. Requiescat in pace.

℟. Amen.


04 November 2023

Moda - III (Fashion - III)

ca. 1608c - roupas que pertenceram a Cristiano II, Eleitor da Saxônia. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Dresden, Alemanha.
ca. 1608 - clothes owned by Christian II, Elector of Saxony. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Dresden, Germany.

ca. 1918 - atribuído à Lucile (Lucy Christiana, Lady Duff-Gordon (1863-1935)) -  penhoar e camisola.
ca. 1918 - attribute to Lucile (Lucy Christiana, Lady Duff-Gordon (1863-1935)) - peignoir and slip.

ca. 1919 - roupa de jantar que pertenceu a Mary George White Bates.
ca. 1919 - dinner dress owned by Mary George White Bates.

ca. 1928.

1928 - vestido da Callot Soeurs (1895-1932) - Marie Callot Gerber, Marthe Callot Bertrand, Regina Callot Tennyson-Chantrell and Joséphine Callot Crimon
1928 - dress by Callot Soeurs (1895-1932) - Marie Callot Gerber, Marthe Callot Bertrand, Regina Callot Tennyson-Chantrell and Joséphine Callot Crimon.

1928 - sapato de André Perugia (1893-1977).
1928 - shoe by André Perugia (1893-1977).

20 September 2023

Propaganda - IX (Advertisement - IX)

selo de caixote de frutas - Herald Brand Redlands Oranges - ca. 1887.
fruit cradle label - Herald Brand Redlands Oranges - ca. 1887.

Abercrombie and Fitch - Março 1924.
Abercrombie and Fitch - March 1924.

selo de caixote de frutas - Carnation Brand Oranges - ca. 1927.
fruit cradle label - Carnation Brand Oranges - ca. 1927.

Old Gold Cigarettes - 1934.

Mickey’s Fun Fair - Pepys Games e Walt Disney Company - 1939.
Mickey’s Fun Fair - Pepys Games and Walt Disney Company - 1939.

Spider-Man And The The Demolition Derby - autores ignorados - in Turok, Son of Stone #125 - Western, Janeiro 1980.
Spider-Man And The The Demolition Derby - unknown authors - in Turok, Son of Stone #125 - Western, January 1980.