Showing posts with label Jacob de Backer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jacob de Backer. Show all posts

06 April 2019

Alegorias III (Allegories III)

Bernt Notke (ca. 1440–ca. 1509)
Dança Macabra.
Dance Macabre.

Jacob de Backer (ca. 1557-ca.1588)
Alegoria das Tres Idades do Homem - óleo sobre madeira. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Allegory of the Three Ages of Man - oil on wood. The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.

Abraham Janssens (1567-1632)
O Homem a Suportar o Peso do Tempo com a Ajuda da Esperança e da Paciência - óleo sobre tela.
Man Carrying the Burden of Time Sustained by Hope and Patience -  oil on canvas.

Isidoro Bianchi (1602-1690)
Alegoria de Amor e Sabedoria - óleo sobre tela.
Allegory of Love and Wisdom - oil on canvas.

Gregorio Guglielmi (1714-1773)
Apoteose do Reinado de Caterina II – 1767 - óleo sobre tela. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Apotheosis of the Reign of Catherine II – 1767 - oil on canvas. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

Eugen Neureuther (1806-1882)
As Artes a Florescerem em Munique – 1861 - óleo sobre tela. Sammlung Schack, Munique, Alemanha.
The Arts Flourishing in Munich – 1861 - oil on canvas. Sammlung Schack, Munich, Germany.

06 November 2018

Atribuições I (Attributions I)

atribuído a Lucas Cornelisz de Kock (1495–1552)
Retrato de John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster - ca. 1593 - têmpera sobre madeira. Coleção particular.
attributed to Lucas Cornelisz de Kock (1495–1552)
Portrait of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster - ca. 1593 - tempera on panel. Private collection.

atribuído a William Scrots (ativo entre 1537–1553)
Retrato de Henry Howard, Earl de Surrey - 1546.
attributed to William Scrots (active 1537–1553)
Portrait of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey - 1546.

atribuído a Jacob de Backer (1555-1585)
O Último Julgamneto - óleo sobre madeira transferida para tela.
attributed to Jacob de Backer (1555-1585)
The Last Judgement - oil on panel transferred to canvas.

attribuído a Gaspar de Witte (1624-1681)
As Figuras Alegóricas de Natureza e Pintura numa Coleção de Arte  com Telas Representativas de Antuérpia - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
attributed to Gaspar de Witte (1624-1681)
The Allegorical Female Figures Nature and Pictura in an Art-Collection, with Representative Antwerp Canvasses - oil on canvas. Private collection.

atribuído a Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)
Rapaz com Arco.
attributed to Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)
Boy with a Bow.

atribuído a Hugues Jean François Paul Duqueylard (1771-1845)
Orfeu - óleo sobre tela.
attributed to Hugues Jean François Paul Duqueylard (1771-1845)
Orpheus - oil on canvas.