Showing posts with label Landscape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Landscape. Show all posts

28 February 2025

Nicolaes Berchem (1620-1683) - II

Descanso – 1644 - óleo sobre painel. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
Rest – 1644 - oil on panel. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Retorno da Falcoaria - ca. 1650 - óleo sobre painel. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.
Return from the Falcon Hunt - ca. 1650 - oil on panel. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.

Arando com Bois ca.1653. The National Gallery, Londres.
A Man and a Youth Ploughing with Oxen - ca.1653. The National Gallery, London.

Paisagem Italiana Vista dum Planalto – 1655 - óleo sobre painel. Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, Inglaterra.
Italian Landscape with Mountain Plateau – 1655 - oil on panel. Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, England.

Ruínas em Itália – 1658 - óleo sobre painel. Centraal Museum, Utreque, Holanda.
Ruins in Italy – 1658 - oil on panel. Centraal Museum,  Utrecht, Neetherlands.

Mercador a Receber um Moiro no Porto. Gemäldegalerie, Dresden, Alemanha.
Merchant Receiving a Moor in the Harbour. Gemäldegalerie, Dresden, Germany.

14 February 2025

Nelson Augustus Moore (1824-1902) - II

O Moinho de Moore & Filhos.
Moore & Sons Mill.

Caminhada Primaveril.
Spring Walk.

Primavera em Conecticut.
Springtime in Connecticut.

Estudo de Rochas.
Study of Rocks.

Lago no Inverno.
Winter Pond.

O Remador.
The Rower.

03 February 2025

Moritz von Schwind (1804- 1871).

O Sonho de Erwin von Steinbach – 1822 - lápis e pena sobre papel. Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munique, Alemanha.
The Dream of Erwin von Steinbach – 1822 - pen and pencil on paper. Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich, Germany.

Paisagem com Caminheiro - ca. 1835 - pena e tinta marrom sobre papel. Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Viena.
Landscape with Wanderer - ca. 1835 - brown pen on paper. Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna.

O Músico e o Ermitão - ca. 1846 - óleo sobre papelão. Neue Pinakothek, Munique, Alemanha.
A Player with a Hermit - ca. 1846 - oil on cardboard. Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Germany.

Uma Sinfonia – 1852 - óleo sobre tela. Neue Pinakothek, Munique, Alemanha.
A Symphony – 1852 - oil on canvas. Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Germany.

De Manhã Cedo – 1858 - óleo sobre tela. Sammlung Schack, Munique, Alemanha.
Early Morning – 1858 - oil on canvas. Sammlung Schack, Munich, Germany.

Adeus ao Anoitecer – 1859 - óleo sobre papelão. Nationalgalerie, Berlin.
Farewell at Dawn – 1859 - oil on cardboard. Nationalgalerie, Berlin.

Na Floresta (o mágico corno da juventude) - 1884.
In the Forest (the magic horn of youth) - 1884.

14 January 2025

Atribuições - XX (Attributions - XX)

atribuído a Raffaelino de’ Capponi, chamado del Garbo (1476-1524).
Nossa Senhora e o Menino Jesus.
attributed to Raffaelino de’ Capponi, called del Garbo (1476-1524).
Our Lady and the Baby Jesus.

atribuído a Agostino Tesauro (ativo entre 1501-1546).
Nossa Senhora e o Menino Jesus com São João Batista.

atribuitted to Agostino Tesauro (active 1501-1546).
Our Lady with the Baby Jesus and Saint John the Baptist.

atribuído a Hendrick van Cleve III (ca. 1525-1589).
A Torre de Babel.
attributed to Hendrick van Cleve III (ca. 1525-1589).
Tower of Babel.

atribuído a Herman Saftleven (1609-1685).
Paisagem Renana com Barcos.
attributed to Herman Saftleven (1609-1685).
A Rhenish Landscape with Boats.

atribuído a Amable Paul Coutan (1792-1837).
Castor e Polux Salvando Helena - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
attributed to Amable Paul Coutan (1792-1837).
Castor and Polux Savin Hellen - oil on canvas. Private collection.

atribuído a Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867).
Etretat - 1858 - pena e tinta castanha com aguada castanha e guache branca sobre traços de grafite sobre papel azul. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
attributed to Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867).
Etretat - 1858 - pen and brown ink, with brush and brown wash and white gouache, over traces of graphite, on blue paper. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

13 December 2024

Max Liebermann (1847-1935).

O Orfanato em Amsterdão - ca. 1881 - óleo sobre tela. Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Francoforte, Alemamha.
The Orphanage at Amsterdam - ca. 1881 - oil on canvas. Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt, Germany.

O Bar em Munique – 1884 - óleo sobre tela. Neue Pinakothek, Munique, Alemanha.
Munich Beer Garden – 1884 - oil on canvas. Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Germany.

Stevenstift em Leiden – 1889 - óleo sobre tela. Nationalgalerie, Berlin.
Stevenstift in Leiden – 1889 - oil on canvas. Nationalgalerie, Berlin.

Casa de Campo em Hilversum – 1901 - óleo sobre tela. Nationalgalerie, Berlin.
Country House at Hilversum – 1901 - oil on canvas. Nationalgalerie, Berlin.

O Restaurante De Oude Vinck, Leiden – 1905 - óleo sobre tela. Kunsthaus, Zurique, Suíça.
De Oude Vinck Restaurant, Leiden – 1905 - oil on canvas. Kunsthaus, Zurich, Switzerland.

Jardim do Restaurante no Havel – 1916 - óleo sobre tela. Nationalgalerie, Berlin.
Garden Restaurant on the Havel – 1916 - oil on canvas. Nationalgalerie, Berlin.

11 December 2024

Nelson Augustus Moore (1824-1902) - I

Um Estudo nos Narrows, Lago Jorge.
A Study in the Narrows, Lake George.

Neve de Abril.
April Snow.

Ponte no Inverno.
Bridge in Winter.

Crianças no Lago do Moinho.
Children at Mill Pond.

Agulhas de Igrejas em Waterbury.
Church Spires in Waterbury.

Lago Jorge.
Lake George.

06 December 2024

Jerome Thompson (1814-1886).


A Colher Flores Silvestres.
Gathering Wildflowers.

Meio-Dia no Verão.
Noonday in Summer.



Passeio no Monte Mansfield.
The Belated Party on Mansfield Mountain.

O Portão Aberto ou O Flêrte.
The Open Gate or Flirtation.

26 November 2024

Thomas Cole (1801-1848) - II.

O Presente.
The Present.

A Viagem da Vida 1: infância.
The Voyage of Life 1: childhood.

A Viagem da Vida 2: juventude.
The Voyage of Life 2: youth.

A Viagem da Vida 3:madureza.
The Voyage of Life 3: manhood.

A Viagem da Vida 4: velhice.
The Voyage of Life 4: old age.

Vista do Monte Holyoke.
View from Mount Holyoke.