Showing posts with label Gerge Gwilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerge Gwilt. Show all posts

31 May 2023

Lugares para Visitar - VI (Places to Visit - VI)

Reino do Jardim Dessau-Wörlitz, Alemanha.
Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm, Germany.

Igreja de San Salvador de Valdediós, Astúrias, Espanha.
Church of San Salvador de Valdediós, Asturias, Spain.

Sundgau, França.
Sundgau, France.

Templo de Amor, Petit Trianon, Château de Versailles, França.
Temple of Love, Petit Trianon, Château de Versailles, France.

Veneza, Itália.
Venice, Italy.

George Gwilt (1746-1807).
Armazéns em West India Docks, Poplar, Londres - 1802-03.
Warehouses West India Docks, Poplar, London - 1802-03.