Showing posts with label Johann Hamza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Johann Hamza. Show all posts

29 August 2023

Interiores - XIII (Interiors - XIII)

Pieter de Hooch (ca. 1629-1684).
O Quarto de Dormir.
The Bedroom.

Eduard Gärtner (1801-1877).
Escadaria do Palácio de Berlin – 1828 - óleo sobre tela. Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin.
Staircase in the Berlin Palace – 1828 - oil on canvas. Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin.

Peter Julius Larsen (1818-1852).
Interior da Academia de Belas Artes de Copenhaga com Obras de Thorvaldsen - 1837 - óleo sobre tela.
Interior from the Copenhagen's Academy of Fine Arts with works of Thorvaldsen - 1837 - oil on canvas.

Johann Hamza (1850-1927).
As Fazedoras de Penas - 1902 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particulares.
The Feather Makers - 1902 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Harold Knight (1874-1961).
A Manhã Ensolarada — ca. 1912.
The Morning Sun — ca. 1912.

Karen Lawrence.

28 January 2023

Interiores - XI (Interiors - XI)

Hendrick van Steenwyck, o Jovem (ca. 1580-1649).
Interior duma Igreja com u'a Família ao Fundo - ca. 1635 - óleo sobre tela. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Hendrick van Steenwyck, the Younger (ca. 1580-1649).
Interior of a Church with a Family in the Foreground - ca. 1635 - oil on canvas. Musée du Louvre, Paris

Charles-Louis Clerisseau (1721-1820).
Interior do Templo de Júpiter no Palácio do Imperador Diocleciano - 1757 - pena e nanquim com aguada marrom. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Interior of the Jupiter Temple in the Palace of Emperor Diocletian - 1757 - pen and Indian ink and brown wash. The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.

Sergey Konstantinovich Zaryanko (1818-1871).
Salão do Marechal de Campo no Palácio de Inverno - 1836 - óleo sobre tela. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
The Fieldmarshals' Hall in the Winter Palace - 1836 - oil on canvas. The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.

Johann Hamza (1850-1927).
O Bibliófilo.

Patrick William Adam (1854-1929).
Ardilea, North Berwick - 1917 - óleo sobre tela.
Ardilea, North Berwick - 1917 - oil on canvas.

Étienne Azambre (1859–1935).
No Louvre - 1894.
At Louvre - 1894.