Showing posts with label Carlo Andrea Marcellini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carlo Andrea Marcellini. Show all posts

15 April 2020

Interiores - III (Interiors - III)

Bartholomeus van Bassen (1590–1652)
Interior duma Igreja Imaginária - 1639.
Interior of an Imaginary Church - 1639.

Caesar van Everdingen (1617-1678)
Vista do Oranjezaal - ca. 1650. Huis ten Bosch, Haia.
View of the Oranjezaal - ca. 1650. Huis ten Bosch, The Hague.

Carlo Andrea Marcellini (ca. 1644-1713)
A Gruta do Palazzo Corsini, Florença - estuque.
The Grotto of the Palazzo Corsini, Florence - stucco.

Abraham van Strij, I (1753-1826)
Interior duma Estalajem – 1825 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Interior of an Inn – 1825 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Carl Friedrich Zimmermann (1796-1820)
Salão de Armas no Palácio do Príncipe Frederick da Prússia - óleo sobre tela. Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlim.
Armour Room in the Palace of Prince Frederick of Prussia - oil on canvas. Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin.

Adolf Fényes (1867-1945)
Bolo com Semente de Papoula - 1910 - óleo sobre tela. Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapeste.
Poppy-seed Cake – 1910 - Oil on canvas. Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest.