Showing posts with label Fortunio Matania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fortunio Matania. Show all posts

13 August 2022

Fortunio Matania (1881-1963)

Alexandre Ramsay Traz Suprimentos para o Castelo de Dumbar - 1935 - pena, tinta e guache.
Alexsander Ramsay Brings Supplies to the Castle of Dumbar - 1935 - pen, ink, and gouache.

William Adams e o  Governador - 1942 - pena, tinta e guache.
William Adams and the Governor - 1942 - pen, ink, and gouache.

pena, tinta e guache.
pen, ink, and gouache.

pena, tinta e guache.
pen, ink, and gouache.

pena, tinta e guache.
pen, ink, and gouache.

pena, tinta e guache.
pen, ink, and gouache.