Showing posts with label Illustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illustration. Show all posts

20 March 2024

Ilustrações - XII (Illustrations - XII)

Walter Crane (1845-1915).
para "The Shepards Calendar" de Edmund Spenser - 1898 - pena e tinta negra sobre papel.
for Edmund Spenser's "The Shepards Calendar" - 1898 - pen and black ink on paper.

William Clarke Rice (1875-1928).
capa de "Harper's Magazine" - Outubro 1903.
cover for "Harper's Magazine" - October 1903.

artista desconhecido.
Top-Notch Magazine - Nova Iorque: Street & Smith, 15 Fevereiro 1928.
unknown artist.
Top-Notch Magazine - New York: Street & Smith, 15 February 1928.

Virgil E. Pyles (1891-1963).
Adventure - 1º Junho 1929.
Adventure - 1st June 1929.

William Streib (ativo entre 1929-1934).
Short Stories - 25 Novembro 1930.
Short Stories - 25 November 1930.

Tom Lovell (1909-1997).
Top-Notch Magazine - Nova Iorque: Street & Smith, Junho 1935.
Top-Notch Magazine - New York: Street & Smith, June 1935.

04 March 2024

Feliz Aniversário, Simon Bisley! (Happy Birthday, Simon Bisley!)

Conan - 1995.

4 de Março, 1962.
Feliz aniversário, Simon Bisley!
4th  March, 1962.
Happy birthday, Simon Bisley!

Rezemos por Simon Bisley e sua família!

Let us pray for Simon Bisley and his family!


02 March 2024

Moda - IV (Fashion - IV)

1890 - bota vitoriana - couro e veludo.
1890 - Victorian boots - leather and velvet.

Mme. Grapanche.
ca. 1885 - vestido de noite - seda. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
ca. 1885 - evening dress - silk. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

1917, 17 de Fevereiro - roupa para golfe de Peggy, 40 Avenue Neil, Paris na revista francesa “L’Art et la Mode”.
1917, 17th February 17 - sport suit for golf Peggy, 40 Avenue Neil, Paris, in the French magazine “L’Art et la Mode”.

1918 - catálogo de moda para Primavera da Sears & Roebuck.
1918 - Spring fashions from the Sears & Roebuck catalog

Albert Witzel (1879-1929).
1920 - Peggy Hamilton (1894-1984) posando com uma criação sua.
1920 - Peggy Hamilton (1894-1984) modeling with her own creation.

1929 - brocado em seda. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, MO.
1929 - silk brocade. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, MO.

01 March 2024

John James Audubon (1785-1851)

Avoceta Americana.
American Avocet.
(Recurvirostra americana).

Abetouro Americano.
American Bittern.
(Botaurus lentiginosus).

American Coot.
(Fulica americana).

Cruza-Bico Americano.
American Crossbill.
(Loxia curvirostra).

Corvo Americano.
American Crow.
(Corvus brachyrhynchos).

Flamingo Americano.
American Flamingo.
(Phoenicopterus ruber).

28 February 2024

Korg e Boyette. (Korg and Boyette.)

Pat Boyette (1923-2000).

arte original para "Korg 70,000 B.C. #1" -  Charlton, 1975.
original art for "Korg 70,000 B.C. #1" -  Charlton, 1975.

arte original para "Korg 70,000 B.C. #2" -  Charlton, 1975.
original art for "Korg 70,000 B.C. #2" -  Charlton, 1975.

arte original para "Korg 70,000 B.C. #3" -  Charlton, 1975.
original art for "Korg 70,000 B.C. #3" -  Charlton, 1975.

arte original para "Korg 70,000 B.C. #4" -  Charlton, 1975.
original art for "Korg 70,000 B.C. #4" -  Charlton, 1975.

arte original para "Korg 70,000 B.C. #5" -  Charlton, 1975.
original art for "Korg 70,000 B.C. #5" -  Charlton, 1975.

arte original para "Korg 70,000 B.C. #6" -  Charlton, 1976.
original art for "Korg 70,000 B.C. #6" -  Charlton, 1976.

arte original para "Korg 70,000 B.C. #7" -  Charlton, 1976.
original art for "Korg 70,000 B.C. #7" -  Charlton, 1976.

arte original para "Korg 70,000 B.C. #8" -  Charlton, 1976.
original art for "Korg 70,000 B.C. #8" -  Charlton, 1976.

arte original para "Korg 70,000 B.C. #9" -  Charlton, 1975.
original art for "Korg 70,000 B.C. #9" -  Charlton, 1975.

26 February 2024

Earl Norem (1923-2015).

The Savage Sword Of Conan #90 - Marvel, Julho 1983.
The Savage Sword Of Conan #90 - Marvel, July 1983.

Fantastic Four: the island of danger. Nova Iorque: Marvel, 1984.
Fantastic Four: the island of danger. New York: Marvel, 1984.

Transformers: the great car rally - Nova Iorque: Marvel Books, 1984.
Transformers: the great car rally - New York: Marvel Books, 1984.

The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson - Nova Iorque: Marvel Books, 1986 - pg.9.
The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson - New York: Marvel Books, 1986 - pg.9.

Conan, estudo para "The Savage Sword of Conan" #171 - Marvel, 1990.
Conan, study for "The Savage Sword of Conan" #171 - Marvel, 1990.

Justiçeiro e Viúva Negra - Marvel, Dezembro 1992.
Punisher and Black Widow - Marvel, December 1992.

24 February 2024

Crumb e Desenvolvimento. (Crumb and Progress)

Robert Crumb (1943-)-
Breve História de Nosso Hambiente - 1992.
Short History of Our Environment - 1992.

22 February 2024

Comparações - XI (Comparisons - XI)

Fighting Aces of War Skies - Norman Saunders - Inverno 1943-44.
Fighting Aces of War Skies - Norman Saunders - Winter 1943-44.

Wings Comics #93 - Bob Lubbers - Fiction House, Maio 1948.
Wings Comics #93 - Bob Lubbers - Fiction House, May 1948.

artista desconhecido, seguidor de Michelangelo.
A Embriaguez de Noé - óleo sobre tela.
unknown artist, a Michelangelo's follower.
The Drunkenness of Noah - oil on canvas.

artista desconhecido.
A Embriaguez de Noé - óleo sobre tela.
unknown artist.
The Drunkenness of Noah - oil on canvas.

Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665).
Triufo de Pã.
The Triumph of Pan.

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973).
Triufo de Pã, releitura de Poussin - 1944 - aguarela e guache sobre papel. Coleção particular.
The Triumph of Pan, retelling of Poussin - 1944 - watercolor and gouache on paper. Private collection.

19 February 2024

John French Sloan (1871–1951)

O Rio Schuylkill - 1894  gravura.
Schuylkill River - 1894 - etching.

The Echo - 1895.

capa de "Cinder-Path Tales" de William Lindsay - Boston: Copeland & Day, 1896.
cover of "Cinder-Path Tales" by William Lindsay  - Boston: Copeland & Day, 1896.

Entrada Leste da Prefeitura, Filadélfia - 1901 - óleo sobre tela.
East Entrance, City Hall, Philadelphia - 1901 - oil on canvas.

Retrato de Will Bradner - 1903  - gravura.
Portrait of Will Bradner - 1903 - engraving.

Poente, Rua 23 Oeste - ca. 1906 - óleo sobre tela.
Sunset, West Twenty-Third Street - ca. 1906 - oil on canvas.