Showing posts with label John William Waterhouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John William Waterhouse. Show all posts

14 March 2024

John William Waterhouse (1849-1917) - III

O Círculo Mágico - 1886.
The Magic Circle - 1886.

Ofélia - 1889.
Ophelia - 1889.

Jasão e Medéia - óleo sobre tela - 1907. Coleção particular.
Jason and Medea - oil on canvas - 1907. Private collection.

A Tempestade.
The Tempest.

O Acordar de Adônis, estudo - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Awakening of Adonis, study - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Hamadríade - óleo sobre tela. The Box Plymouth, Plymouth, Inglaterra.
Hamadryad - oil on canvas. The Box Plymouth, Plymouth, England.

18 March 2021

John William Waterhouse (1849-1917) - II

A Dama de Shalott - 1888 - óleo sobre tela. Tate Gallery, Londres.
The Lady of Shalott - 1888 - oil on canvas. Tate Gallery, London.

John William Waterhouse

Circe Invidiosa - 1892 - óleo sobre tela. Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide.
Circe Invidiosa - 1892 - oil on canvas. Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide.

John William Waterhouse

O Despertar de  Adônis - 1899 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
The Awakening of Adonis - 1899 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

John William Waterhouse

A Anunciação - 1914 - óleo sobre tela.
The Annunciation - 1914 - oil on canvas.

John William Waterhouse

"Ando enjoada de sombras, disse a Dama de Shallot".
"I am half-sick of shadows - said the Lady of Shalott".

John William Waterhouse

Hipnos, o Deus Grego do Sono e Seu Irmão Tanatos, Deus da Morte.
Hypnos, Greek God of Sleep, and His Brother, Thanatos, God of Death.

John William Waterhouse

12 September 2019

John William Waterhouse (1849-1917) - I

Ulisses e as Sereias - 1891 - óleo sobre tela. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Austrália.
Odysseus and the Sirens - 1891 - oil on canvas. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.

Flores ao Vento - 1902 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Windflowers - 1902 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Lâmia e o Soldado - 1905 - óleo sobre tela.
Lamia and the Soldier - 1905 - oil on canvas.

A Alma da Rosa ou Minha Rosa Querida - 1908 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular
The Soul of the Rose or My Sweet Rose - 1908 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Cena do "Decamerão" - óleo sobre tela - 1915. Lady Lever Art Gallery, Liverpool.
Scene of "Il Decamerone" - oil on canvas - 1915. Lady Lever Art Gallery, Liverpool.

Tristão e Isolda com a Poção - ca. 1916 - óleo sobre tela. Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross, Nova Jersey.
Tristan and Isolde with the Potion - ca. 1916 - oil on canvas. Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross, New Jersey.