Showing posts with label Lucas Cornelisz de Kock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucas Cornelisz de Kock. Show all posts

06 November 2018

Atribuições I (Attributions I)

atribuído a Lucas Cornelisz de Kock (1495–1552)
Retrato de John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster - ca. 1593 - têmpera sobre madeira. Coleção particular.
attributed to Lucas Cornelisz de Kock (1495–1552)
Portrait of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster - ca. 1593 - tempera on panel. Private collection.

atribuído a William Scrots (ativo entre 1537–1553)
Retrato de Henry Howard, Earl de Surrey - 1546.
attributed to William Scrots (active 1537–1553)
Portrait of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey - 1546.

atribuído a Jacob de Backer (1555-1585)
O Último Julgamneto - óleo sobre madeira transferida para tela.
attributed to Jacob de Backer (1555-1585)
The Last Judgement - oil on panel transferred to canvas.

attribuído a Gaspar de Witte (1624-1681)
As Figuras Alegóricas de Natureza e Pintura numa Coleção de Arte  com Telas Representativas de Antuérpia - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
attributed to Gaspar de Witte (1624-1681)
The Allegorical Female Figures Nature and Pictura in an Art-Collection, with Representative Antwerp Canvasses - oil on canvas. Private collection.

atribuído a Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)
Rapaz com Arco.
attributed to Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)
Boy with a Bow.

atribuído a Hugues Jean François Paul Duqueylard (1771-1845)
Orfeu - óleo sobre tela.
attributed to Hugues Jean François Paul Duqueylard (1771-1845)
Orpheus - oil on canvas.