Showing posts with label Otho Cushing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Otho Cushing. Show all posts

28 April 2021

Otho Cushing (1871–1942) - II

Life Magazine, 12 Janeiro, 1911.
Life Magazine, 12th January, 1911.

Otho Cushing

Otho Cushing

Otho Cushing

Otho Cushing

Um Enlace Submarino, capa da Life Magazine, 28 Agosto de 1919.
A Submarine Engagement, cover for Life Magazine, 28th August 1919.

Otho Cushing

Otho Cushing

27 February 2021

Otho Cushing (1871-1942) - I

publicado na Revista Life, 1913.
published on Life Magazine, 1913.

Otto Cushing

(Eles não eram esquisitos?)
Imaginando a Moda de um Distante 1950 - Life Magazine, Dezembro 1914.
Imagines the Fashion of a Future 1950 - Life Magazine, December 1914.

Otto Cushing

detalhe de "A Tarde de um Fauno (novos figurinos para Nijinsky e o Balé Russo, especialmente desenhados para Críticos Puritanos)" - Puck Magazine vol. 80 - Julho 1918.
detail from  "The Afternoon of a Faun (new costumes for Nijinsky and the Russian Ballet, especially designed for Puritan Critics)" - Puck Magazine vol. 80 - July 1918.

Otto Cushing

Infanticida: a quem o Rei se delicia em honra.
Child Killer: whom the king delighteth to honor.

Otto Cushing

publicado na Revista Life, 1913.
published on Life Magazine, 1913.

Otto Cushing

publicado na Revista Life, 1913.
published on Life Magazine, 1913.

Otto Cushing