Showing posts with label Richard Westmacott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Richard Westmacott. Show all posts

26 March 2021

Mitologias Grega e Romana - II (Greek and Roman Mythology - II)

Richard Westmacott (1775 –1856)
Aquiles, Monumento a Wellington - 1822 - bronze. Parque Hyde. Londres.
Achilles, Wellington Monument - 1822 - bronze. Hyde Park. London.

Adam Ferdinand Tietz (1708-1777)
Mercúrio – 1758 – arenito. Kurfürstliches Schloss, Koblenz, Alemanha.
Mercury – 1758 – sandstone. Kurfürstliches Schloss, Koblenz, Germany.

Adamo Tadolini (1788-1868)
Zeus e Ganimedes. Casa Chatsworth, Derbyshire, Inglaterra.
Zeus and Ganymedes. Chatsworth House, Derbyshire, England.

Richard Ohmann (1850-1910)
Baco - 1880 - bronze. Parque Steglitz, Berlim.
Bacchus - 1880 - bronze. Steglitz Park, Berlin.

escultor desconhecido
Adônis - Jardim de Verão, São Petersburgo. Foto de Lvova Anastasiya.
unknown sculptor
Adonis - Summer Garden, Saint Petersburg. Photo by Lvova Anastasiya.

escultor desconhecido, segundo original de Edme Dumont (1720-1775)
Milão de Crotona - bronze.
unknown sculptor, according an original work by Edme Dumont (1720-1775)
Milo of Croton - bronze.