Showing posts with label Kawahara Keiga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kawahara Keiga. Show all posts

15 April 2019

Animais - III (Animals - III)

Angelo Maria Crivelli (+ca. 1730)
Perús, Galo, Galinha e Pintos no Campo - 1700/10 - óleo sobre tela. Accademia Carrara, Bérgamo, Itália.
Turkeys, Cock, Mother Hen, and Chicks in the Countryside - 1700/10 - oil on canvas. Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, Italy.

Edward Donovan (1768–1837)
Libélula - ilustração de "The Naturalist’s Repository", Londres, 1823. Smithsonian Libraries, Washington DC.
Dragonfly - plate from "The Naturalist’s Repository", London, 1823. Smithsonian Libraries, Washington DC.

Kawahara Keiga (1786-1860)
Lateolabrax japonicus (robalo japonês) - ca. 1826 - lápis e aguarela.
Lateolabrax japonicus (Japanerse seabass) - ca. 1826 - pencil and watercolor.

Edmund Mahlknecht (1830-1903)
Vacas à Beira dum Lago.
Cows on the Lake Shore.

Camille Martin (1861-1898)
A Tarde ou O Pavão - 1896. Musée de l'École de Nancy, Nancy, França.
The Afternoon or The Peacock - 1896. Musée de l'École de Nancy, Nancy, France.

Herman Rountree (1878-1944)
ilustração para "Nature Magazine" vol.20 #4, Outubro 1932.
illustration for "Nature Magazine" vol.20 #4, October 1932.