Showing posts with label fukusa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fukusa. Show all posts

07 September 2023

Muitas Formas de Arte - XI (Art in Many Forms - XI)

Wiligelmo (ativo entre 1099-1120 na Módena, Itália)
telamon - ca. 1110 - pedra. Castello Sforzesco, Milão, Itália.
Wiligelmo (active 1099-1120 in Modena, Italy).
telamon - ca. 1110 - stone. Castello Sforzesco, Milan, Italy.

Worshipful Company Pack - Chas Goodall & Son, 1893 - côrte e ases de Paus e Copas.
Worshipful Company Pack - Chas Goodall & Son, 1893 - court and aces of Cloves and Hearts.

Worshipful Company Pack - Chas Goodall & Son, 1893 - côrte e ases de Espadas e Ouros.
Worshipful Company Pack - Chas Goodall & Son, 1893 - court and aces of Spades and Diamonds.

Worshipful Company Pack - Chas Goodall & Son, 1893 - os 10 de cada naipe.
Worshipful Company Pack - Chas Goodall & Son, 1893 - the 10s of each suit..

artista desconhecido.
fukusa bordado - ca. 1895, Japão - seda bordada com fios metálicos.
unknown artist.
embroidered fukusa - ca. 1895, Japan - embroidered silk with metal thread

boneco de vestir.
dressing up paper doll