Showing posts with label Bernt Notke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernt Notke. Show all posts

29 June 2019

São Jorge e o Dragão (St George and the Dragon)

Bernt Notke (ca. 1440-ca. 1509)
1487 – madeira pintada. Storkyrkan, Estocolmo.
Bernt Notke (ca. 1440-1509)
1487 - painted wood. Storkyrkan, Stockholm. 

06 April 2019

Alegorias III (Allegories III)

Bernt Notke (ca. 1440–ca. 1509)
Dança Macabra.
Dance Macabre.

Jacob de Backer (ca. 1557-ca.1588)
Alegoria das Tres Idades do Homem - óleo sobre madeira. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Allegory of the Three Ages of Man - oil on wood. The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.

Abraham Janssens (1567-1632)
O Homem a Suportar o Peso do Tempo com a Ajuda da Esperança e da Paciência - óleo sobre tela.
Man Carrying the Burden of Time Sustained by Hope and Patience -  oil on canvas.

Isidoro Bianchi (1602-1690)
Alegoria de Amor e Sabedoria - óleo sobre tela.
Allegory of Love and Wisdom - oil on canvas.

Gregorio Guglielmi (1714-1773)
Apoteose do Reinado de Caterina II – 1767 - óleo sobre tela. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Apotheosis of the Reign of Catherine II – 1767 - oil on canvas. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

Eugen Neureuther (1806-1882)
As Artes a Florescerem em Munique – 1861 - óleo sobre tela. Sammlung Schack, Munique, Alemanha.
The Arts Flourishing in Munich – 1861 - oil on canvas. Sammlung Schack, Munich, Germany.