Showing posts with label Adolphe Sax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adolphe Sax. Show all posts

08 February 2023

Instrumentos Musicais - V (Musical Instruments - V)

chave de afinação para cítara - ca 350 A.C., China. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
tuning key for a zither - ca. 350 BC, China. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Andreas Ruckers (1579-1652).
clavicórdio - 1643, Antuérpia, redecorado no Século XIX.
clavichord - 1643, Antwerp, redecorated in the 19th century.

Henry Prentiss (1801–1859).
caixa. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
side drum. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Adolphe Sax (1814-1894).
trombone de pistão tenor. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
tenor valve trombone. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

harpa irlandesa.
Irish harp.

órgão. Royal Academy of Music, Londres.
organ. Royal Academy of Music, London.