Showing posts with label Master of the Castello Nativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Master of the Castello Nativity. Show all posts

24 February 2021

Mestre da "Natividade Castello" (ativo entre 1445-1470 em Florença) [Master of the Castello Nativity (active 1445-1470 in Florence)]

Nossa Senhora e o Menino Jesus - 1448/50 - óleo sobre madeira. Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum, Hanôver.
Madonna and Child - 1448/50 - oil on wood. Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum, Hanover.
Master of the Castello Nativity

Altar dos Santos Justo e Clemente: Nossa Senhora, o Menino e os Santos Justo e Clemente, painel central - ca. 1450. Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Prato.
Altar of the Saints Justus and Clement: Madonna, the Infant Jesus, and Saints Justus and Clement, central panel - ca. 1450. Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Prato.

Master of the Castello Nativity

Altar dos Santos Justo e Clemente: Natividade, predela - ca. 1450 - têmpera e ouro sobre painel. National Gallery, Londres.
Altar of the Saints Justus and Clement: Nativity, predela - ca. 1450 - tempera and gold on panel. National Gallery, London.

Master of the Castello Nativity

Altar dos Santos Justo e Clemente: Os Santos Multiplicando o Grão de Volterra, predela - ca. 1450. Museum of Art, Filadélfia.
Altar of the Saints Justus and Clement: The Saints Multiplying the Grain of Volterra, predela - ca. 1450. Museum of Art, Philadelphia

Master of the Castello Nativity

Altar dos Santos Justo e Clemente: Os Santos a Rezar Pedindo a Libertação dos Vândalos, predela - ca. 1450. Museum of Art, Filadélfia.
Altar of the Saints Justus and Clement: The Saints Praying for Deliverance from the Vandals, predela - ca. 1450. Museum of Art, Philadelphia

Master of the Castello Nativity

Nossa Senhora Adorando o Menino Jesus - óleo sobre painel. Coleção particular.
Madonna Adoring the Infant Christ - oil on panel. Private collection.

Master of the Castello Nativity