Showing posts with label Clarkson Frederick Stanfield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clarkson Frederick Stanfield. Show all posts

14 January 2025

Atribuições - XX (Attributions - XX)

atribuído a Raffaelino de’ Capponi, chamado del Garbo (1476-1524).
Nossa Senhora e o Menino Jesus.
attributed to Raffaelino de’ Capponi, called del Garbo (1476-1524).
Our Lady and the Baby Jesus.

atribuído a Agostino Tesauro (ativo entre 1501-1546).
Nossa Senhora e o Menino Jesus com São João Batista.

atribuitted to Agostino Tesauro (active 1501-1546).
Our Lady with the Baby Jesus and Saint John the Baptist.

atribuído a Hendrick van Cleve III (ca. 1525-1589).
A Torre de Babel.
attributed to Hendrick van Cleve III (ca. 1525-1589).
Tower of Babel.

atribuído a Herman Saftleven (1609-1685).
Paisagem Renana com Barcos.
attributed to Herman Saftleven (1609-1685).
A Rhenish Landscape with Boats.

atribuído a Amable Paul Coutan (1792-1837).
Castor e Polux Salvando Helena - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
attributed to Amable Paul Coutan (1792-1837).
Castor and Polux Savin Hellen - oil on canvas. Private collection.

atribuído a Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867).
Etretat - 1858 - pena e tinta castanha com aguada castanha e guache branca sobre traços de grafite sobre papel azul. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
attributed to Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867).
Etretat - 1858 - pen and brown ink, with brush and brown wash and white gouache, over traces of graphite, on blue paper. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

14 October 2023

Atribuições - XVI (Attributions - XVI)

atribuído a Albrecht Dürer (1421-1528).
Buquê de Violetas - aguarela sobre pergaminho.
attributed to Albrecht Dürer (1421-1528).
Bouquet of Violets - watercolor on parchment.

atribuído a Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo (1480-1548).
Cabeça de Homem - ca. 1525. The Royal Collection Trust, Londres.
attributed to Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo (1480-1548).
Head of a Man - ca. 1525. The Royal Collection Trust, London.

atribuído a Corneille de Lyon (1500–1575).
Retrato dum Homem Babudo de Negro - óleo sobre painel. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
attributed to Corneille de Lyon (1500–1575).
Portrait of a Bearded Man in Black - oil on panel. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

atribuído a Giuseppe Maria Crespi (1665-1747).
Estudo de Nu Masculino - óleo sobre tela.
attributed to Giuseppe Maria Crespi (1665-1747).
Study of a Male Nude - oil on canvas.

atribuído a Katherine Read (1723-1778).
Retrato do Capitão Robert Beatson.
attributed to Katherine Read (1723-1778).
Portrait of Captain Robert Beatson.

atribuído a Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867).
Étretat - 1858- pena e tinta marrom, aguada marrom e guache branca sobre traços de grafite; papel azul. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
attributed to Clarkson Frederick  (1793-1867).
Étretat - 1858- pen and brown ink, with brown wash and white gouache, over traces of graphite, on blue paper. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

01 July 2023

Atribuições - XV (Attributions - XV)

atribuído a Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo (1480-1548).
Retrato dum Falcoeiro. Royal Collection, Inglaterra.
attributed to Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo (1480-1548).
Portrait of a Man with a Falcon. Royal Collection, England.

atribuído a Thomas Blanchet (1614-1689).
Morte de Antíope, Rainha das Amazonas - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
attributed to Thomas Blanchet (1614-1689).
Death of Antiope, Queen of the Amazones - oil on canvas. Private Collection.

atribuído a Christoph Probst.
Crucifixão - ca. 1790. Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munique, Alemanha. Foto de Andreas Praefcke via Wikipédia.
attributed to Christoph Probst.
Crucifixion - ca. 1790. Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich. Photo by Andreas Praefcke via Wikipedia.

atribuído a Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867).
Nu Masculino - ca. 1805 - lápis sobre papel.
attributed to Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867).
Male Nude - ca. 1805 - pencil on paper.

atribuído a Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867).
Étretat - 1858 - pena e tinta marrom, aguada marrom e gouache branca com traços de grafite, sobre papel azul. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
attributed to Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867).
Étretat - 1858 - pen and brown ink, with brush and brown wash and white gouache, over traces of graphite, on blue paper. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

atribuído a Tilly Kettle (1735-1786).
Retrato dum Homem.
attributed to Tilly Kettle (1735-1786).
Portrait of a Man.

25 August 2022

Atribuições - XII (Attributions - XII)

atribuído a Zanobi Strozzi (1412–1468).
Natividade - ca. 1438 - tèmpera e oiro sobre madeira. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
attributed to Zanobi Strozzi (1412–1468).
The Nativity - ca. 1438 - tempera and gold on panel. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

atribuído a Annibale Carracci (1560-1609).
Autorretrato - ca. 1577.
attributed to Annibale Carracci (1560-1609).
Self Portrait - ca. 1577.

atribuído a William Larkin (ca.1585–1619).
Retrato duma Dama. Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol, Inglaterra.
attributed to William Larkin (ca.1585–1619).
Portrait of a Lady. Bristol Museum & Art Gallery., Bristol, England.

atribuído a Philips Wouwerman (1619–1668).
Cena de Batalha - óleo sobre madeira. Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Wolverhampton, Inglaterra.
attributed to Philips Wouwerman (1619–1668).
Battle Scene - oil on wood. Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Wolverhampton, England.

atribuído a Gregorio Lazzarini (1655-1730).
A Libertação de Andrômeda - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
attributed to Gregorio Lazzarini (1655-1730).
The liberation Andromeda’s - oil on canvas. Private Collection.

atribuído a Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867).
Étretat - 1858 - pena e tinta marrom, aguada marrom, guache branca, grafite e papel azul. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, EUA.
attributed to Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867).
Étretat - 1858 - pen and brown ink, brown wash, white gouache, graphite, on blue paper. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA.

17 February 2022

Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867) - II

Promenades d'un Artiste - 1833.
Andernach - gravura por Robert Brandard.
Andernach - etching and engraving by Robert Brandard.

Castelo de Heidelberg - gravura de James Tibbetts Willmore.
Castle of Heidelberg - etching and engraving by James Tibbetts Willmore.

Ehrenbreitstein, Prússia - gravura de Robert Brandard.
Ehrenbreitstein, Prusse - etching and engraving by Robert Brandard.

Porto de São Malo - gravura de W. Floyd
Harbour of Saint Malo - etching and engraving by W. Floyd

Monte São Miguel - gravura de William Miller.
Mount Saint Michel - etching and engraving by William Miller.

Muros de São Malo - gravura de Robert William Wallis.
The Ramparts of Saint Malo - etching and engraving by Robert William Wallis.

10 January 2022

Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867) - I

Próximo a Feldkirk - 1832 - impresso por Thomas Jeavons (1795-1867).
Near Feldkirk - 1832 - engraved and printed by Thomas Jeavons (1795-1867).

Parte da Ponte de Waterloo com a Torre Shot, etc. - 1832 - impresso por George Cooke (1781-1834).
Part of Waterloo Bridge with the Shot Tower etc. - 1832 - engraved and printed by George Cooke (1781-1834).

No Scheld - 1832 - impresso por Robert William Wallis (1794-1878). The British Museum, Londres.
On the Scheld - 1832 - engraved and printed by Robert William Wallis
(1794-1878). The British Museum, London.

Retrato de William Gordon - giz e grafite negro com toques de branco sobre papel cinza. The British Museum, Londres.
Portrait of William Gordon - black chalk, with graphite, touched with white, on grey paper. The British Museum, London.

Oude Schelde, Ilha Texel, olhando para  Nieuwe Diep e o Zuider Zee - óleo sobre tela. Government Art Collection, Londres.
Oude Schelde, Texel Island, looking towards Nieuwe Diep and the Zuider Zee - oil on canvas. Government Art Collection, London.

Paisagem Montanhosa com um Caçador e Viajantes - óleo sobre tela.
Mountainous Landscape with a Hunter and Travellers - oil on canvas.