Showing posts with label Henry Raeburn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henry Raeburn. Show all posts

24 July 2021

Crianças - VIII (Children - VIII)

Henry Raeburn (1756-1823)
Guri e Coelho - 1814.
Boy and Rabbit - 1814.

Jean-Germain Drouais (1763–1788)
O Conde e o Cavalheiro de Choiseul como Saboiardos - 1758. The Frick Collection, Nova Iorque.
The Count and Chevalier of Choiseul as Savoyards - 1758. The Frick Collection, New York.

Sophie Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)
Órfãs a Orar na Capela - óleo sobre tela. The Foundling Museum, Londres.
Foundling Girls at Prayer in the Chapel - oil on canvas. The Foundling Museum, London.

Luigi Bechi (1830-1919)
A Brincar - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Playtime - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Gustave-Jean Jacquet (1846-1909)
A Tocadora de Viela - 1881 - óleo sobre teal. Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, EUA.
Girl Minstrel - 1881 - oil on canvas. Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, USA.

Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905)
A Casa de Trabalho dos Meninos, Helsínquia - 1885 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
The Boy’s Workhouse, Helsinki - 1885 - oil on canvas. Private collection.