Showing posts with label Ferdinand-Victor Perrot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ferdinand-Victor Perrot. Show all posts

06 November 2020

Paisagens - VIII (Landscapes - VIII)

François de Nomé (1593-1630)
Vista Arquitetônica Fantástica - óleo sobre tela. La Cour d'Or, Musées de Metz, Metz.
A Fantastic Architectural View - oil on canvas. La Cour d'Or, Musées de Metz, Metz.

Aert van der Neer (ca.1603-1677)
Rio Sob o Luar - ca. 1645 - óleo sobre painel. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdão.
River View by Moonlight - ca. 1645 - oil on panel. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.

Ferdinand-Victor Perrot (1808-1841)
Vista da Igreja de Santo André, a partir do Bolshoi na Ilha de Vasilyevsky - 1841. Museu Pushkin, Moscou.
The Church of Saint Andrew from Bolshoi on Vasilyevsky Island - 1841. Pushkin Museum, Moscow.

Franz Knebel (1809-1877)
Vista da Ponte Lucano - 1857 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
View of the Ponte Lucano - 1857 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

François Stroobant (1819-1916)
Ruínas da Abadia de Villers - litografia colorida. Université de Liège, Liège.
Ruins of the Abbey of Villers - coloured lithograph. Université de Liège, Liège.

Ferdinand Lepie (1824-1883)
Vista em Ischl e a Vila Imperial. Ao Fundo, o Dachstein - ca. 1883 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Look at Ischl and the Imperial Villa. In the Background, of the Dachstein - ca. 1883 - oil on canvas. Private collection.