Showing posts with label Jan van Vucht. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jan van Vucht. Show all posts

08 October 2024

Interiores - XVII (Interiors - XVII)

Jan van Vucht (1603-1637).
Interior dum Palácio - óleo sobre painel. Coleção particular.
Interior of a Palace - oil on panel. Private collection.

Gerard Houckgeest (ca. 1600-1661).
Vista duma Arcada – 1638 - óleo sobre tela. National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgo.
View through an Arcade – 1638 - oil on canvas. National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh.

Konstantin Andreyevich Ukhtomsky (1818-1881).
Sala de Concerto de "Interiores do Palácio de Inverno" - ca 1860.
Concerthall from "Interiors of the Winter Palace" - ca. 1860.

Fernand de Launay (1855-1904).
No Café ou Esperando.
In the Café or The Wait.

Józef Mehoffer (1869-1946).

Konstantin Somov (1869-1939).

12 December 2018

Interiores - I (Interiors - I)

Jan van Vucht (1603-1637)
Interior duma Igreja - ca. 1630 - óleo sobre painel.  Coleção particular.
Church Interior - ca. 1630 - oil on panel. Private collection.
via Web Gallery of Art, with permission.

Pieter Janssens Elinga (1623-ca.1680)
Mulher a Ler - óleo sobre tela. Alte Pinakothek, Munique.
Reading Woman - oil on canvas. Alte Pinakothek, Munich.
via Web Gallery of Art, with permission.

Eduard Gaertner (1801-1877)
A Sala do Templo Egípcio no Museu Neues, Berlim - 1850
- lápis e aquarela sobre papel.
The Egyptian Temple Court in the Neues Museum Berlin - 1850 - pencil and watercolor on paper.

Luigi Premazzi (1814-1891)
A Primeira Sala de Esculturas do Novo Hermitage – 1856 - aguarela sobre papel. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
The First Hall of Sculpture in the New Hermitage – 1856 - watercolour on paper. The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.
via Web Gallery of Art, with permission.

Giuseppe Abbati (1836-1868)
Galeria com Guarda Armado - 1864.
Gallery with Amor Bearer - 1864.

Charles Frederic Ulrich (1858-1908)
Escultor em seu Estúdio - óleo sobre painel reforçado.
Sculptor in Studio - oil on cradled panel.