Showing posts with label Johannes Schilling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Johannes Schilling. Show all posts

13 December 2022

Alegorias - XIV (Allegories - XIV)

Agostino di Duccio (1418-1481).
A Lua - ca.1456 - mármore. Tempio Malatestiano, Rimini, Itália.
The Moon - ca.1456 - marble. Tempio Malatestiano, Rimini, Italy.

Jacques Houzeau  (1624-1691).
O Colérico -   Château de Versailles, Versailles, França.
The Coleric -  Château de Versailles, Versailles, France.

Fedor Petrovich Tolstoy (1783-1873).
O Primeiro Passo de Alexandre I para Além das Fronteiras Russas - 1813 - gêsso.
The First Step of Alexander I Beyond the Borders of Russia - 1813 - plaster.

Auguste Prèault (1809-1879).
Júpiter e a Esfinge, detalhe - 1868.
Jupiter and the Sphinx, detail - 1868.

Johannes Schilling (1828-1910).
Tarde, da série "Os Quatro Períodos do Dia" - 1868 - bronze. Dresden, Alemanha.
Evening, from the series "The Four Times of Day" - 1868 - bronze. Dresden, Germany.

William Hamo Thornycroft (1850-1925).
Teucer, detalhe - ca. 1885 - bronze.
Teucer, detail - ca. 1885 - bronze.