06 December 2018

Feliz aniversário, Agnes Moorehead! (Happy Birthday, Agnes Moorehead)

6 de Dezembro, 1900.
Feliz aniversário, Agnes Moorehead!
6th December, 1900.
Happy birthday, Agnes Moorehead!


V: Réquiem ætérnam dona ei, Dómine.

R: Et lux perpétua lúceat ei.



05 December 2018

Feliz Aniversário, Walt Disney! (Happy Birthday, Walt Disney!)

5 de Dezembro, 1901.
Feliz aniversário, Walt Disney!

5th December, 1901.
Happy birthday, Walt Disney!

V: Réquiem ætérnam dona ei, Dómine.
R: Et lux perpétua lúceat ei.

Arte Grega - I (Greek Art - I)

artista desconhecido
arte antiga das Cíclades - ca. 2800-2300 A.C.
unknown artist
early Cycladic art - ca. 2800-2300 BC.

artista desconhecido
Cabeça dum Jovem ou de Hermes Hermes -  cópia romana do Século IIII A.C. descoberta em Ostia, Itália - mármore.
unknown artista
Head of a Young Man or Hermes - Roman copy of the 4th.century BC excavated in Ostia, Itália - marble.

atribuído a Kresilas
O Diomedes de Munique - cópia romana de cerca 440–430 A.C.
attributed to Kresilas
Munich Diomedes - Roman copy  from circa 440–430 BC.

Agasias de Éfeso
O Guerreiro Borghese - ca. 170-86 A.C. - mármore. Musée  du Louvre, Paris.
Agasias of Ephesus
The Borghese Warrior - ca. 170-86 BCE - marble. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

artista desconhecido
Dioniso Bêbado com um Sátiro - Século II - mármore. Cópia romana.  Palazzo Altemps, Roma.
unknown artist
Drunken Dionysos and Satyr - 2nd century - marble. Roman copy. Palazzo Altemps, Roma.

artista desconhecido
Busto de Homero.
unknown artist
Bust of Homer.

04 December 2018

História - I (History - I)

ca. 283 - São Sebastião sofre a primeira tentativa de martírio em Roma.
Jacopo Palma, Il Giovane (1544-1628) - São Sebastião - óleo sobre tela.
ca. 283 - Saint Sebastian suffer the first attempt of martyrdom in Rome.
Jacopo Palma, Il Giovane (1544-1628 ) - Saint Sebastian - oil on canvas.

1812 - As tropas francesas abandonam a Rússia, derrotadas.
Illarion Mikhailovich Pryanishnikov (1840-1894) - A Retirada Francesa em 1812 - óleo - 1874.1812 - The defeated French troops abandon Russia.
 Illarion Mikhailovich Pryanishnikov (1840-1894) - French retreat in 1812 - oil on canvas - 1874.

Primeiro Sargento Macgregor, da Guarda de Fusileiros Escoceses, lutador na Guerra da Criméia, fotografado por Robert Howlett e Joseph Cundall, 1856.
Colour-Sergeant Macgregor, Scots Fusiliers Guards, a Crimean War warrior, photographed by Robert Howlett and Joseph Cundall, 1856.

1902 - cartão da produção musical de "O Mágico de Oz" a mostrar Fred Stone como o Espantalho e David C. Montgomery como o Homem de Lata.
1902 - card from the stage production of "The Wizard of Oz" showing Fred Stone as the Scarecrow and David C. Montgomery as the Tin Woodman.

30.Agosto.1926 - Pola Negri no funeral de Rudolph Valentino.
30th August 1926 - Pola Negri at Rudolph Valentino's funeral.

ca. 1966 - Arnold Schwarzenegger em Muscle Beach Venice, California, EUA.
ca. 1966 - Arnold Schwarzenegger in Muscle Beach Venice, California, USA.

03 December 2018

Walt Disney and the Development of Animation

Este artigo é uma tradução para o inglês de um outro 
publicado em português aos 14.7.2012. 
(This article is a translation into English from another originally written in Portuguese
 published on 14.7.2012.)

            When Disney started his career in animation, cartoons were short subject and no more than simple entertainment in a movie session, among the serials, the news-reels, and the short comedies.
            The “Disneys” of that time were Otto Messmer (“Felix the Cat”) and the Fleisher brothers (“Out of Inkwell”, Betty Boop, etc).

Otto Messmer (1892 – 1983) and Felix the Cat.
Max Fleischer (1883–1972) and Bimbo.
Dave Fleischer (1894–1979) preparing filming with a 3D background..
            The Fleishers were great innovators, developing the rotoscopy and the first experiments in 3D, sound and color.
            What did Disney to grew to the point to overcome those great pioneers of cartoon was his desire to transform the cartoon into an art form comparable to feature movies. Animators before Disney produced funny cartoons, just exploring what the feature films couldn’t such as defying gravity, giving life to inanimate things and so on.
            Slowly Disney started to make his screen writers create more than funny situations with animals. They, the animals, needed to have personality and to be involved in situations with which the audience could connect emotionally. In other words, Disney introduced realism into fantasy. In a few years the studio no longer had space in his films for buildings swinging because the moon was singing or anything else that was not plausible fantasy.
            The natural evolution of this was the search for the best professionals, the sectorization in production and the search for technical developments as sound and colour.
            All this, Messmer and the Fleishers could not or would not to follow. When Mickey started to talk, he actually spoke, articulating mouth and pronouncing words what neither Felix of Betty Boop were able to do.
Someone once wrote that the best of Disney are the short films where he’s not concerned with the tricks of feature movies.
Possibly, but the facts are that short films were losing public favour in the 1930’s and Disney saw in it an opportunity for a further development of his art conceiving a feature movie. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" was probably intended to kill the shorts if World War II did not impose its economic constraints giving to the short films over a decade of life on the big screen, being so far Disney's biggest achievement in animation.

You can watch "Woos Whoopee" (1928) by Otto Messmer & Pat Sullivan here.

You can watch "Koko's Earth Control" (1928) by the  Fleischer Studios here.

You can watch "Steamboat Willie" (1928) by the Walt Disney Studios here.

 You can watch a scene from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (1937) by the Walt Disney Studios here. 
Walt Disney (1901-1966) and Mickey Mouse.

01 December 2018

Alessandro Magnasco (1667-1749) - I

Roubo Sacrílego – 1731 - óleo sobre tela. Quadreria Arcivescovile, Milão.
Sacrilegious Robbery – 1731 - oil on canvas. Quadreria Arcivescovile, Milan.

Frades Franciscantes Observantes em seu Refeitório - 1736/37 - óleo sobre tela. Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Itália.
The Franciscans Observant Friars in the Refectory - 1736/37 - oil on canvas. Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy.

Tempestade no Mar - óleo sobre tela. Museo d'Arte Antica, Castello Sforzesco, Milão.
Storm at the Sea - oil on canvas. Museo d'Arte Antica, Castello Sforzesco, Milan.

Elevação da Cruz - óleo sobre tela. Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Viena.
Raising of the Cross - oil on canvas. Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna.

Monges em Oração - óleo sobre tela. Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gante, Bélgica.
Praying Monks - oil on canvas. Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent, Belgium.

Oração de Monges Penitentes - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Prayer of the Penitent Monks - oil on canvas. Private collection.