07 January 2021

Jan Massys (ca.1510-1575)

Flora – 1559 - óleo sobre madeira. Kunsthalle, Hamburgo.
Flora – 1559 - oil on wood. Kunsthalle, Hamburg.

Jan Massys

Davi e Betsabé – 1562 - óleo sobre madeira. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
David and Bathsheba – 1562 - oil on wood. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Jan Massys

A Virgem Santíssima e o Menino Jesus – 1564 - óleo sobre tela. Sint-Jacobskerk, Antuérpia.
Holy Virgin and Child – 1564 - oil on canvas. Sint-Jacobskerk, Antwerp.

Jan Massys

Judite - óleo sobre painel. Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antuérpia.
Judith - oil on panel. Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp.

Jan Massys

Charitas - óleo sobre painel. Coleção particular.
Charitas - oil on panel. Private collection.

Jan Massys

O Rei Davi a Ver Betsabé - óleo sobre painel. Coleção particular.
Bathsheba Observed by King David - oil on panel. Private collection.

Jan Massys

06 January 2021

Feliz aniversário, Capucine! (Happy Birthday, Capucine!)

6 de Janeiro, 1928.
Feliz aniversário, Capucine!
6th January, 1928.
Happy birthday, Capucine!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.


Relembre o exemplo dos Magos! (Remember the Magi's example!)

6 de Janeiro
Relembre o exemplo dos Magos!
6th January
Remember the Magi's example!
Sanctissimi Tres Magi Orientales, Orate pro nobis.

Pieter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) - II

Dois Prisioneiros Encadeados - 1600/08 - grafite e esfuminho, pena, tinta marrom e guache branca.
Two Prisoners Chained - 1600/08 - graphite and stump, pen, brown ink enhanced with white gouache.

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)

A Morte de Adônis - ca. 1614 - óleo sobre tela. Museu de Israel, Jerusalém.
The Death of Adonis - ca. 1614 - oil on canvas. Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)

Jesus dá a Pedro as Chaves do Reino - 1616 - óleo sobre painel de carvalho. Wallace Collection, Londres.
Christ’s Charge to Peter - 1616 - oil on oak panel. Wallace Collection, London.

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)

Cabeça de Medusa – ca. 1617 - óleo sobre painel. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Viena.
The Head of Medusa – ca. 1617 - oil on panel. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)

Dois Sátiros - 1618/19 - óleo sobre tela. Alte Pinakothek, Munique.
Two Satyrs - 1618/19 - oil on canvas. Alte Pinakothek, Munich.

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)

Estudo de Nu Masculino - carvão sobre papel.
Male Nude Study - charcoal on paper.

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)

05 January 2021

Atribuições - VI (Attributions - VI)

atribuído a Jacopo Ligozzi (1547–1627) - A Quimera 1590/1610.
attributed to Jacopo Ligozzi (1547–1627) - The Chimera 1590/1610.

atribuído a Otto Van Veen (1556-1629) - Ecce Homo - óleo sobre tela.
attributed to Otto Van Veen (1556-1629) - Ecce Homo - oil on canvas.

atribuído a Kano Sansetsu (1589–1651) - A Velha Ameixeira - ca. 1645 - tinta e folha d'oiro sobre papel. The Metropolitian Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
attributed to Kano Sansetsu (1589–1651) - The Old Plum - ca. 1645 - ink, gold leaf on paper, The Metropolitian Museum of Art, New York.

atribuído a Pierre-Narcisse Guérin (1774-1833) - Arria e Peto - óleo sobre tela.
attributed to Pierre-Narcisse Guérin (1774-1833) - Arria and Paetus - oil on canvas.

atribuído a Raphaël Collin (1850-1916) - Retrato de Paul Victor Grandhomme.
attributed to Raphaël Collin (1850-1916) - Portrait of Paul Victor Grandhomme.

04 January 2021

Todas as Capas de "Baffling Mysteries" (All "Baffling Mysteries" Covers)

Baffling Mysteries #5 - artista desconhecido - Ace Magazines, Novembro 1951.
Baffling Mysteries #5 - unknown artist - Ace Magazines, November 1951.

Baffling Mysteries #6 - artista desconhecido - Ace Magazines, Janeiro 1952.
Baffling Mysteries #6 - unknown artist - Ace Magazines, January 1952.

Baffling Mysteries #7 - "Ace" Baker - Ace Magazines, Março 1952.
Baffling Mysteries #7 - "Ace" Baker - Ace Magazines, March 1952.

Baffling Mysteries #8 - "Ace" Baker - Ace Magazines, Maio 1952.
Baffling Mysteries #8 - "Ace" Baker - Ace Magazines, May 1952.

Baffling Mysteries #9 - Ken Rice - Ace Magazines, Julho 1952.
Baffling Mysteries #9 - Ken Rice - Ace Magazines, July 1952.

Baffling Mysteries #10 - artista desconhecido - Ace Magazines, Setembro 1952.
Baffling Mysteries #10 - unknown artist - Ace Magazines, September 1952.

Baffling Mysteries #11 - Jim McLaughlin - Ace Magazines, Novembro 1952.
Baffling Mysteries #11 - Jim McLaughlin - Ace Magazines, November 1952.

Baffling Mysteries #12 - Jim McLaughlin - Ace Magazines, Dezembro 1952.
Baffling Mysteries #12 - Jim McLaughlin - Ace Magazines, December 1952.

Baffling Mysteries #13 - Jim McLaughlin - Ace Magazines, Janeiro 1953.
Baffling Mysteries #13 - Jim McLaughlin - Ace Magazines, January 1953.

Baffling Mysteries #14 - "Ace" Baker - Ace Magazines, Março 1953.
Baffling Mysteries #14 - "Ace" Baker - Ace Magazines, March 1953.

Baffling Mysteries #15 - Jim McLaughlin - Ace Magazines, Maio 1953.
Baffling Mysteries #15 - Jim McLaughlin - Ace Magazines, May 1953.

Baffling Mysteries #16 - Jim McLaughlin - Ace Magazines, Julho 1953.
Baffling Mysteries #16 - Jim McLaughlin - Ace Magazines, July 1953.

Baffling Mysteries #17 - artista desconhecido - Ace Magazines, Setembro 1953.
Baffling Mysteries #17 - unknown artist - Ace Magazines, September 1953.

Baffling Mysteries #18 - artista desconhecido - Ace Magazines, Novembro 1953.
Baffling Mysteries #18 - unknown artist - Ace Magazines, November 1953.

Baffling Mysteries #19 - artista desconhecido - Ace Magazines, Janeiro 1954.
Baffling Mysteries #19 - unknown artist - Ace Magazines, January 1954.

Baffling Mysteries #20 - artista desconhecido - Ace Magazines, Abril 1954.
Baffling Mysteries #20 - unknown artist - Ace Magazines, April 1954.

Baffling Mysteries #21 - artista desconhecido - Ace Magazines, Julho 1954.
Baffling Mysteries #21 - unknown artist - Ace Magazines, July 1954.

Baffling Mysteries #22 - artista desconhecido - Ace Magazines, Setembro 1954.
Baffling Mysteries #22 - unknown artist - Ace Magazines, September 1954.

Baffling Mysteries #23 - artista desconhecido - Ace Magazines, Novembro 1954.
Baffling Mysteries #23 - unknown artist - Ace Magazines, November 1954.

Baffling Mysteries #24 - artista desconhecido - Ace Magazines, Janeiro 1955.
Baffling Mysteries #24 - unknown artist - Ace Magazines, January 1955.

Baffling Mysteries #25 - Louis Zansky - Ace Magazines, Julho 1955.
Baffling Mysteries #25 - Louis Zansky - Ace Magazines, July 1955.

Baffling Mysteries #26 - Louis Zansky - Ace Magazines, Outubro 1955.
Baffling Mysteries #26 - Louis Zansky - Ace Magazines, October 1955.

02 January 2021

Peter Ilsted (1861-1933)

A Sala de Jantar - 1887.
The Dining Room - 1887.

Peter Ilsted (1861-1933)

Interior com Moça Lendo uma Carta - 1908 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Girl Reading a Letter in an Interior - 1908 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Peter Ilsted (1861-1933)

A Olhar pela Janela - 1908 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Looking Out The Window - 1908 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Peter Ilsted (1861-1933)

Mulher a Ler sob Luz de Vela - 1908 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Woman Reading by Candlelight - 1908 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Peter Ilsted (1861-1933)

A Porta Aberta - óleo sobre painel. Coleção particular.
The Open Door - oil on panel. Private collection.

Peter Ilsted (1861-1933)

Jovem a Ler na Soleira.
Young Girl Reading in the Doorway.

Peter Ilsted (1861-1933)

01 January 2021

Peter Brown (1935-2016)

com John Russel em "Lawman" - (1958-1962).
with John Russel in "Lawman" - (1958-1962).
Peter Brown

com Tab Hunter em "Mar Raivoso" - 1964.
with Tab Hunter in "Ride The Wild Surf" - 1964.

Peter Brown

com  Neville Brand, William Smith e Philip Carey em "Laredo" - 1965-1967.
with  Neville Brand, William Smith, and Philip Carey in "Laredo" - 1965-1967.

Peter Brown

ca. 1965.

ca. 1975.

ca. 1995.

Feliz Aniversário, Nicholas A. Iacona, Jr.! (Happy Birthday, Nicholas A. Iacona, Jr.)

1º de Janeiro, 1968.
Feliz aniversário, Nicholas Anthony Iacona, Jr.!

1st January, 1968.
Happy birthday, Nicholas Anthony Iacona, Jr.!

V: Réquiem ætérnam dona ei, Dómine.
R: Et lux perpétua lúceat ei.

Feliz Aniversário, Ty Hardin! (Happy Birthday, Ty Hardin!)

1º de Janeiro, 1930.
Feliz aniversário, Ty Hardin!
1st January, 1930.
Happy birthday, Ty Hardin!
V: Réquiem ætérnam dona ei, Dómine.
R: Et lux perpétua lúceat ei.