28 January 2022

Feliz Aniversário, Castro Gonzaga! (Happy Birthday, Castro Gonzaga!)

28 de Janeiro, 1918.
Feliz aniversário, Castro Gonzaga!
28th January, 1918.
Happy birthday, Castro Gonzaga!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.


Christen Schiellerup Kobke (1810-1848)

Vista duma Rua em Osterbro, Copenhaga, manhã - 1831 - óleo sobre tela. Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhaga.
View of a Street in Osterbro Outside Copenhagen, Morning Light 1831 - oil on canvas. Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen.

Paisagem de Outono, Castelo de Frederiksborg à Meia Distància - ca. 1838 - óleo sobre tela. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhaga.
Autumn Landscape, Frederiksborg Castle in the Middle Distance - 1838 - oil on canvas. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen.

Vista de Osterbro a Partir de Dorseringen - 1838 - óleo sobre tela. Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten, Wintherthur, Suíça.
View of Osterbro from Dorseringen - 1838 - oil on canvas. Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten, Wintherthur, Switzerland.

"Castel dell'Ovo" em Nápoles - ca. 1840 - óleo sobre papel aplicado sobre tela. Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhaga.
"Castel dell'Ovo" in Naples - ca. 1840 - oil on paper mounted in canvas. Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen.

Baía de Nápoles com o Vesúvio ao Fundo - 1843 - óleo sobre tela. Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, EUA.
Bay of Naples with Vesuvius in the Background - 1843 - oil on canvas. Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, USA.

Portão na Via Sepulchralis em Pompéia - 1846 - óleo sobre tela. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles.
Gateway in the Via Sepulchralis in Pompeii - 1846 - oil on canvas. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles.

27 January 2022

Feliz Aniversário, Lewis Carroll! (Happy Birthday, Lewis Carroll!)

27 de Janeiro, 1832.
Feliz aniversário, Lewis Carroll!
27th January, 1832.
Happy birthday, Lewis Carroll!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.


Relembre as Vítimas dos Campos de Extermínio Nazistas! (Remember Victims of Nazi Extermination Camps!)

27 de Janeiro
Relembre as vítimas dos campos de extermínios nazistas!  
27th January
Remember the victims of Nazi extermination camps!

Naturezas-Mortas - VIII (Still Lifes - VIII)

Abraham Susenier (ca. 1620-ca. 1668).
Natureza-Morta com Conchas - 1659 - óleo sobre tela. Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht, Holanda.
Still-Life with Shells - 1659 - oil on canvas. Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht, Netherlands.

Carstian Luyckx (1628-ca 1675).
Farta Natureza-Morta.
Opulent Still Life.

Alexandre-François Desportes (1661-1743).
Natureza-Morta com Pratas.
Still Life with Silver.

Antoine Berjon (1754-1838).
Natureza-Morta com uvas, castanhas, abóboras e açúcar - óleo sobre tela. Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, EUA.
Still Life with Grapes, Chestnuts, Squash and Sugar - oil on canvas. Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, USA.

Bartolomé Montalvo (1769-1846)
Natureza-Morta - oil on panel. Museo del Prado, Madri.
Still Life - oil on panel. Museo del Prado, Madrid.

William Merritt Chase (1849–1916)
Natureza-Morta com Peixes - ca. 1910 - óleo sobre tela. High Museum of Art, Atlanta, EUA.
Still Life with Fishes - ca. 1910 - oil on canvas. High Museum of Art, Atlanta, USA.

26 January 2022

Feliz Aniversário, Paul Newman! (Happy Birthday, Paul Newman!)

26 de Janeiro, 1925.
Feliz aniversário, Paul Newman!

26th January, 1925.
Happy birthday, Paul Newman!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.



Chris Carmack (1980-)

como Dennis em "Terror na Água 3D" - 2011.
as Dennis in "Shark Night 3D" - 2011.

25 January 2022

Marinhas - VIII (Seascapes - VIII)

Alessandro Magnasco (1667-1749) e Antonio Francesco Peruzzi (1646-1724).
A Praia – ca. 1720 - óleo sobre tela. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Alessandro Magnasco (1667-1749) and Antonio Francesco Peruzzi (1646-1724).
The Seashore – ca. 1720 - oil on canvas. The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.

Jacob van Strij (1756-1815).
Barcos - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Boats - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Abraham Hulk (1813-1897).
Cena Praieira com Pescadores e Pesqueiros - óleo sobre madeira. Private collection.
Coastal Scene with Fishing Boats and Fishermen on the Shore - oil on panel. Private collection.

Lev Feliksovich Lagorio (1827-1905).
O Afundamento do Vapor Turco Intibakh em Batum aos 14 de Janeiro de 1878 - óleo sobre tela - 1880. Museu Naval central, São Petersburgo.
The Sinking of the Turkish Steamer Intibakh on the Batum in 14 January 1878 - oil on canvas - 1880. The Central Naval Museum, Saint Petersburg.

David Farquharson (1839-1907).
Dundee vista do Leste - óleo sobre tela.
Dundee from the East - oil on canvas.

Frederick Judd Waugh (1861-1940).
Rebentação Branca - óleo sobre madeira - 1920. Portland Museum of Art, Portland, EUA.
Frederick Judd Waugh (1861-1940)
White Surf - oil on wood - 1920. Portland Museum of Art, Portland, USA.

24 January 2022

Childe Hassam (1859-1935) - II

Gerânios - 1888. The Hyde Collection Museum, Glens Falls, EUA.
Geraniums - 1888. The Hyde Collection Museum, Glens Falls, USA.

O Cantinho Favorito - 1892. Coleção particular.
A Favorite Corner - 1892. Private collection.

Natureza-Morta com Frutos - 1904. The White House Collection, Washington.
Still-life with fruits - 1904. The White House Collection, Washington.

Natureza-Morta no Jardim da Sra.Hassam em East Hampton - 1912. Coleção particular.
Still-life in Mrs Hassam Garden in East Hampton - 1912. Private collection.

Natureza-Morta com Peras de Inverno - 1918. Coleção particular.
Still-life with Winter Sickle Pears - 1918. Private collection.

Natureza-Morta com Colcha Colonial. Coleção particular.
Still-life with Colonial Quilt. Private collection.