Showing posts with label Henriëtte Ronner-Knip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henriëtte Ronner-Knip. Show all posts

18 May 2024

Animais - XV (Animals - XV)

Melchior d'Hondecoeter (1636-1695).
Pássaros num Parque - 1686 - óleo sobre tela. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Birds in a Park – 1686 - oil on canvas. The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.

Johann Wenzel Peter (1745-1829).
A Caça do Leopardo - óleo sobre tela.
The Leopard’s Prey - oil on canvas.

Johann Wenzel Peter (1745-1829).
Estudo para a Cabeça duma Leoa - óleo sobre tela.
Study for the Head of a Lioness - oil on canvas.

Edwin Landseer (1802-1873).
O Deserto - 1849.
The Desert - 1849.

Henriëtte Ronner-Knip (1821-1909).
Gatinhos a Brincar - 1852 - óleo sobre tela.
Kittens at Play - 1852 - oil on canvas.

Arthur Singer (1917-1990).
Íbis Escarlates a Voar.
Flying Scarlet Ibises.