22 April 2022

Feliz Aniversário, Jack Nicholson! ( Happy Birthday, Jack Nicholson!)

22 de Abril, 1937.
Feliz aniversário, Jack Nicholson!

22nd April, 1937.
Happy birthday, Jack Nicholson!

Rezemos por Jack Nicholson e sua família!

Let us pray for Jack Nicholson and his family!


Descoberta da Terra de Santa Cruz! (Discovery of the Land of the Holy Cross!)

22 Abril, 1500.
Salve, Mestre Pedro Álvares Cabral e companheiros!
22nd April, 1500.
Master Pedro Álvares Cabral and companions!

Relembre os Santos Epipódio e Alexandre! (Remember Saints Epipodius and Alexander!)

22 de Abril
Relembre o exemplo dos Santos Epipódio e Alexandre!
22nd April
Remember the exemple of  Saints Epipodius and Alexander!
Sancti epipodius et Alexander, orate pro nobis.

21 April 2022

Propaganda - IV (Advertisement - IV)

Alfred Choubrac (1853-1902)
Cycles Decauville - 1895 ca.

ca. 1925 - Tiger Brand Apples.

1943 - Wilson Sports Equipment.

1952 - Calculadora Schubert.

Camellia Brand Oranges.

Magnolia Brand Oranges.

20 April 2022

Cartazes - III (Posters - III)

Francisco Tamango (1851-1933).
ca. 1905 - Terrot & Co., Dijon, França.
ca. 1905 - Terrot & Co., Dijon, France.

ca. 1914.

O Filho de Tarzan: 6º episódio: The Killer's Mate - 1920, Maio.
The Son of Tarzan: 6th episode: The Killer's Mate - 1920, May.

The Flaming Crisis - 1924, 21 de Agosto.
The Flaming Crisis - 1924, 21st August.

Tarzan the Mighty - 1928, 29 de Outubro.
Tarzan the Mighty - 1928, 29th October.

Vic Guinnell
To Have and To Hold! War Bonds - 1944.

19 April 2022

Plantas - I (Plants - I)

Vachellia seyal.

Adiantum raddianum.

Ligularia tussilaginea 'Aureo-maculata'.

Begonia rex Hugh McLauchlan.

Hibiscus sabdariffa.

Malvaviscus arboreus.