Showing posts with label Kim Se-jung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kim Se-jung. Show all posts

17 September 2024

Arte Funerária - XX (Funerary Art - XX)

escultor flamengo desconhecido.
Mausoléu de Maria da Borgúndia – 1502 – bronze. O.L. Vrouwekerk, Bruges, Bélgica.
unknown Flemish sculptor.
Mausoleum of Mary Burgundy – 1502 – bronze. O.L. Vrouwekerk, Bruges, Belgium.

escultor flamengo desconhecido.
Mausoléu de Maria da Borgúndia, detalhe – 1502 – bronze. O.L. Vrouwekerk, Bruges, Bélgica.
unknown Flemish sculptor.
Mausoleum of Mary Burgundy, detail – 1502 – bronze. O.L. Vrouwekerk, Bruges, Belgium.

Petrus Scheemaekers, o Velho (1652-1714).
Memorial das Famílias Van Delft e Keurlinckx – 1688 - mármores branco, vermelho e negro. O.-L. Vrouwekathedraal, Antuérpia, Holanda.
Petrus Scheemaekers the Elder  (1652-1714).
Memorial of the Van Delft and Keurlinckx Families – 1688 - white, red and black marbles. O.-L. Vrouwekathedraal, Antwerp, Bergium.

Richard Westmacott (1775-1856).
Monumento ao General Abercrombie - ca. 1803 - mármore. Saint Paul's Cathedral, Londres.
Monument to General Abercrombie - ca. 1803 - marble. Saint Paul's Cathedral, London.

Kim Se-jung (1928–1986).
Estátua do Almirante Yi Sun-Sin - 1968, Seul.
Statue of the Admiral Yi Sun-Sin - 1968, Seul.

sem dados.
no data.