Showing posts with label Anders Monsen Askevold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anders Monsen Askevold. Show all posts

13 July 2024

Paisagens - XXI (Landscapes - XXI)

Alessandro Magnasco (1667–1749).
Paisagem com Mar Tempestuoso - ca. 1721 - óleo sobre tela. National Museum of Western Art, Tõquio.
Landscape with Stormy Sea - ca. 1721 - oil on canvas. National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo.

Salomon Corrodi (1810-1892).
Vista do Forum Romano - aguarela sobre papelão.
View of the Roman Forum - watercolor on cardboard.

Alfred Sisley (1839-1899).
A Ponte em Saint Cloud - 1877 - õleo sobre tela.
The Bridge at Saint Cloud - 1877 - oil on canvas.

Achille Glisenti (1848-1906).
Castelo de Creto.
Creto Castle.

Andrei Nikolaevich Schilder (1861-1919).
Floresta de Bialowieza.
Bialowieza Forest.

Anders Monsen Askevold (1839-1900).
Porto no Fiorde Sogne - 1895 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Harbor in the Sognefjord - 1895 - oil on canvas. Private collection.