Showing posts with label Master M. S.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Master M. S.. Show all posts

27 September 2024

Mestre M. S. (primeira metade do Século XVI) [Master M. S. (first half of 16th century)]

O Cristo a Carregar a Cruz – 1506 - têmpera sobre painel. Keresztény Múzeum, Esztergom, Hungria.
Christ Carrying the Cross – 1506 - tempera on panel. Keresztény Múzeum, Esztergom, Hugary.

A Crucifixão – 1506 - têmpera sobre painel. Keresztény Múzeum, Esztergom, Hungria.
The Crucifixion – 1506 - tempera on panel. Keresztény Múzeum, Esztergom, Hugary.

No Monte das Oliveiras – 1506 - têmpera sobre painel. Keresztény Múzeum, Esztergom, Hungria.
In the Mount of Olives – 1506 - tempera on panel. Keresztény Múzeum, Esztergom, Hugary.

A Natividade – 1506 - têmpera sobre painel. Igreja paroquial, Svätý Anton, Eslováquia  .
The Nativity – 1506 - tempera on panel. Parish Church, Svätý Anton, Slovakia.

A Resurreição – 1506 - têmpera sobre painel. Keresztény Múzeum, Esztergom, Hungria.
The Resurrection – 1506 - tempera on panel. Keresztény Múzeum, Esztergom, Hugary.

A Visitação – 1506 - têmpera on panel. Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapeste.
The Visitation – 1506 - tempera on panel. Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest.

Adoração dos Magos - ca.1508 - têmpera on panel. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lille, França.
The Adoration of the Magi - ca. 1508 - tempera on panel. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lille, France.