Showing posts with label Gerhard Munthe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerhard Munthe. Show all posts

10 July 2024

Interiores - XVI (Interiors - XVI)

Jacobus Vrel (ativo entre 1654-62 em Delft e Harlem).
Velha Junto à Lareira - ca. 1555 - óleo sobre telas. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Jacobus Vrel (active 1654-62 in Delft and Haarlem).
An Old Woman by a Fireplace - ca. 1555 - oil on canvas. The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.

Cornelis de Man (1621-1706).
Interior duma Casa - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Interior of a Townhouse - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Pieter Janssens Elinga (1623- antes de 1682).
Sala em Casa Holandesa - ca. 1670 - óleo sobre tela. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Pieter Janssens Elinga (1623- before 1682).
Room in a Dutch House - ca. 1670 - oil on canvas. The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.

Konstantin Andreyevich Ukhtomsky (1818-1881)
Interiores do Palácio de Inverno: sala de jantar - ca 1860.
Interiors of the Winter Palace: dining room - ca 1860.

Gerhard Munthe (1849–1929).
Da casa de Munthe (Leveld) Forstuen - ca. 1902. Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo.
From Munthe (Leveld) Forstuen's home - ca. 1902.
Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo.

James Kidder (1793-1837).
Interior duma Agência Lotérica. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
Interior of a Lottery. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.