18 January 2019

Anthonis Mor Van Dashorst (ca. 1517 - ca. 1576) - I

Retrato de Guilherme de Orange – 1555 - óleo sobre madeira. Staatliche Museen, Kassel, Alemanha.
Portrait of William of Orange – 1555 - oil on
wood. Staatliche Museen, Kassel, Germany.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

Retrato de Sir Thomas Gresham - ca. 1560 - óleo sobre madeira. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdão, Holanda.
Portrait of Sir Thomas Gresham - ca. 1560 - oil on wood. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Holland.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

Retrato de Anne Fernel, a Esposa de Sir Thomas Gresham - ca. 1560. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdão, Holanda.
Portrait of Anne Fernel, the Wife of Sir Thomas Gresham - ca. 1560. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Holland.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

Retrato do Anão do Cardeal Granvelle - ca. 1560 - óleo sobre madeira. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Cardinal Granvelle's Dwarf - ca. 1560 - oil on wood. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

Retrato de Margaret, Duquesa de Parma – 1562 - óleo sobre tela. Staatliche Museen, Berlim.
Portrait of Margaret, Duchess of Parma – 1562 - oil on canvas. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.
Retrato dum Homem - 1565.
Portrait of a Man - 1565.

16 January 2019

Atribuições II (Attributions II)

atribuído a Jan Keynooghe (1507-1590)
Perseu e Andrômeda - têmpera sobre pergaminho.
attributed to Jan Keynooghe (1507-1590)
Perseus and Andromeda - tempera on parchment.
atribuído a Diego Velázquez (1599—1660)
São João Batista no Agreste - ca. 1621. Art Institute of Chicago.
attributed to Diego Velázquez (1599—1660)
Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness - ca. 1621. Art Institute of Chicago.

atribuído a Frans de Neve (1606-1688)
Eco e Narciso - óleo sobre tela.
attributed to Frans de Neve (1606-1688)
Echo and Narcissus - oil on canvas.

atribuído a Carle van Loo (1705-1765)
Apolo - óleo sobre tela.
attributed to Carle van Loo (1705-1765)
Apollo - oil on canvas.

atribuído a Pompeo Batoni (1708–1787)
Retrato de Don João V de Portugal - óleo sobre tela. Palácio Nacional da Ajuda , Lisboa, Portugal.
attributed to Pompeo Batoni (1708–1787)
Portrait of Don João V of Portugal - oil on canvas. Palácio Nacional da Ajuda , Lisbon, Portugal.

atribuído a Théodore Géricault (1791-1824)
Anunciação aos Pastores  - óleo sobre tela.
attributed to Théodore Géricault (1791-1824)
Annunciation to the Sheppherds - oil on canvas.

Anselm Friedrich Feuerbach (1829-1880)

Todas as figuras foram tiradas do sítio "Web Gallery of Art", com permissão de seus criadores.
All pics are from the "Web Gallery of Art" website with permission 
from its creators.

Nanna - ca. 1861 - óleo sobre tela. Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Colônia, Alemanha.
Nanna - ca. 1861 - oil on canvas. Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne, Germany.

Nanna - ca. 1861 - óleo sobre tela.  Neue Pinakothek, Munique, Alemanha.
Nanna - ca. 1861 - oil on canvas.  Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Germany.

Miriam – 1862 - óleo sobre tela. Nationalgalerie, Berlim.
Miriam – 1862 - oil on canvas. Nationalgalerie, Berlin.

Medéia – 1870 - óleo sobre tela. Neue Pinakothek, Munique, Alemanha.
Medea – 1870 - oil on canvas. Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Germany.

Peônias – 1871 - óleo sobre tela. Neue Pinakothek, Munique, Alemanha.
Peonies – 1871 - oil on canvas. Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Germany.

O Banquete Platônico – 1873 - óleo sobre tela. Nationalgalerie, Berlim.
Platonic Banquet – 1873 - oil on canvas. Nationalgalerie, Berlin.

15 January 2019

Animais II (Animals II)

Pierre-Jules Mêne (1810-1879)
Égua e Potro - bronze. PColeção particular.
A Mare and Foal - bronze. Private collection.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

Alfred Dubucand (1828-1894)

Jules Moigniez (1835-1894)
Basset - bronze. Coleção particular.
Basset Hound - bronze. Private collection.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

Jean-Marie Gaspar (1861-1931)
A Pantera - 1895.
The Panther - 1895.

Carl Ethan Akeley (1864-1926)
Picado - 1914 - bronze.
Stung - 1914 - bronze.

Marcel Debut (1865-1933)
Veadeiro - ca. 1890 - bronze. Coleção particular.
Deerhound - ca. 1890 - bronze. Private collection
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

14 January 2019

Annibale e a Galeria Farnese - I (Annibale and the Farnese Gallery - I)

Annibale Carracci (1560–1609) e seu estúdio - afrescos no teto da Galleria Farnese, Palazzo Farnese, Roma (1597-1608).
Annibale Carracci (1560–1609)  and his studio - ceiling frescoes at the Galleria Farnese, Palazzo Farnese, Rome (1597-1608).

Galleria Farnese, teto - vista geral.
Galleria Farnese, ceiling - general view.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.
Annibale Carracci

esquete para o frizo da Galleria Farnese – ca. 1595- pena, tinta e aguada. École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris.
sketch for frieze of the Galleria Farnese – ca. 1595- pen, ink and wash. École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.
Annibale Carracci

esquete para o frizo da Galleria Farnese – ca. 1595- pena, tinta e aguada. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
sketch for frieze of the Galleria Farnese – ca. 1595- pen, ink and wash. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.
Annibale Carracci

esquete para o frizo da Galleria Farnese – ca. 1595- pena, tinta e aguada. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
sketch for frieze of the Galleria Farnese – ca. 1595- pen, ink and wash. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.
Annibale Carracci

Perseu a Lutar com Fineu.
Perseus Fighting with Phineus.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.
Annibale Carracci

Perseu a Libertar Andrômeda.
Perseus Liberating Andromeda.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.
Annibale Carracci
Eros e Anteros - ca. 1597-1602.
Eros and Anteros - ca. 1597-1602.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.
Annibale Carracci

Diana e Endimião - 1597.
Diana and Endymion - 1597.
Annibale Carracci
Mercúrio e Paris.
Mercury and Paris.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.
Annibale Carracci

Apolo a Esfolar Mársias.
Apollo Flaying Marsias.

12 January 2019

Alegorias II (Allegories II)

Abraham Janssens (1575-1632)
Apoteose de Enéias. Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munique, Alemanha.
The Apotheosis of Aeneas. Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich, Germany.

Elisabetta Sirani (1638-1655)
A Beleza a Repelir o Tempo - óleo sobre tela.
Beauty Fending Off Time - oil on canvas.

Marc Gabriel Charles Gleyre (1806-1874)
Entardecer ou As Ilusões Perdidas – 1843 - óleo sobre tela. Kunstmuseum, Winterthur, Suíça.
Evening or Lost Illusions – 1843 - Oil on canvas. Kunstmuseum, Winterthur, Switzerland.

Louis Baader (1828-1920)
O Remorso - 1875 - óleo sobre tela.
The Remorse - 1875 - oil on canvas.

Benjamin Ulmann (1829-1884)
A Corte Sanciona seu Veredito - 1868 - mural no teto. Cour de Cassation, Paris.
The Court Sanctions a Verdict - 1868 - ceiling mural. Cour de Cassation, Paris.

Oskar Zwintscher (1870-1916)
Entre Joalheria e Canção - ca. 1900.
Between Jewelry and Song - ca. 1900.

11 January 2019

Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Triosson (1767-1824) I

O Sono de Endimião - 1791 - óleo sobre tela.
The Sleep of Endymion - 1791 - oil on canvas.

Retrato de Benoit-Agnes Trioson - 1800 - óleo sobre tela. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Portrait of Benoit-Agnes Trioson - 1800 - oil on canvas. Mus+ee du Louvre, Paris.
Orfeu e Eurídice - 1827 - gravura.
Orpheus and Eurydice - 1827 - engraving.

Autorretrato - grafite e giz de cera. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Orléans, França.
Autoportrait - graphite and conté crayon. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Orléans, France.

São Jerônimo - óleo sobre tela. Musée de Montargis, Montargis, França.
Saint Jerome - oil on canvas. Musée de Montargis, Montargis, France.


10 January 2019

Mulheres I (Women I)

Carel de Moor II (1656-1738)
Camponesa num Interior - óleo sobre madeira. Coleção particular.
Peasant Woman in an Interior - oil on panel. Private collection.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

Pierre Olivier Joseph Coomans (1816-1889)
Jovem a Descansar - 1885 - óleo sobre tela aplicada sobre compensado. Coleção particular.
A Young Woman of Leisure - 1885 - oil on canvas, laid down on masonite. Private collection.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

Félix Trutat (1824-1848)
Nu Sobre Pele de Pantera - 1844 - óleo sobre tela. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
Nude Girl on a Panther Skin – 1844 - oil on canvas. Musée du Louvre, Paris.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

Albert Lynch (1851–1912).

Joseph DeCamp (1858-1923)
A Costureira - 1916.
The Seamstress - 1916.

Herman Richir (1866-1942).