Showing posts with label Matthias Gerung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matthias Gerung. Show all posts

07 October 2024

Iluminuras - XVIII (Illumination - XVIII)

artista desconhecido.
Vincent of Beauvais (?-1264): Speculum Historiale: Santo Heleno Atravessa o Rio nas Costas do Dragão - ca. 1450, França.
unknown artist.
Vincent of Beauvais (?-1264): Speculum Historiale: Saint Helenius River Crossing On a Dragon - ca. 1450, France.

Jean Le Tavernier (ativo entre 1434-1460 na Burgúndia).
As Horas de Filipe, o Bom – 1454 - Manuscrito (Ms. 76 F 22). Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Haia, Holanda.
Jean Le Tavernier (active 1434-1460 in Burgundy).
Hours of Philip the Good – 1454 - Manuscript (Ms. 76 F 22). Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague.

Simon Marmion (ca. 1420-1489).
Cenas da Vida de São Bertin – 1459. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.
Scenes from the Life of Saint Bertin – 1459. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.

Simon Marmion (ca. 1420-1489).
Cenas da Vida de São Bertin – 1459. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.
Scenes from the Life of Saint Bertin – 1459. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.

Giuliano Amedei (ca. 1446-1496).
Frontispício - ca. 1468 - têmpera e oiro sobre pergaminho. Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati, Siena, Itália.
Frontispiece - ca. 1468 - tempera and gold on parchment - Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati, Siena, Italy.

Matthias Gerung  (1500–1570).
Apocalipse, Ap.12,1-18, pg.295r - ca. 1531.
Revelation, Rv.12,1-18, pg. 295r - ca. 1531.