Showing posts with label George Caleb Bingham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Caleb Bingham. Show all posts

17 February 2025

George Caleb Bingham (1811-1879) - II

A História Chata (Retrato de Sarah Elizabeth Hutchison) - ca. 1843 - óleo sobre tela. St. Louis Art Museum, São Luís, MO.
Dull Story (Portrait of Sarah Elizabeth Hutchison) - ca. 1843 - oil on canvas. St. Louis Art Museum, São Luís, MO.

Eleição no Condado - 1852 - óleo sobre tela. St. Louis Art Museum, São Luís, MO.
The County Election - 1852 - oil on canvas. St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MO.

Discurso no Palanque - ca. 1853, segundo estudiosos, o gordo sentado atrás do candidato retrata Meredith Miles Marmaduke, um Democrata e o cidadão de branco e cartola na platéia é o senador estadual pelo Missouri Clairborne Fox Jackson - óleo sobre tela. St. Louis Art Museum, São Luís, MO.
Stump Speaking - ca. 1853, according scholars the fat gentleman behind the speaker is Meredith Miles Marmaduke, a Democrat, while the gentleman in the white coat and top hat is state senator Missourian Clairborne Fox Jackson - oil on canvas. St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MO.

O Veredito Popular - ca. 1854 - óleo sobre tela. St. Louis Art Museum, São Luís, MO.
The Verdict of the People - ca. 1854 - oil on canvas. St. Louis Art Museum, São Luís, MO.

The Squatters.

Washington Cruzando o Delaware.
Washington Crossing the Delaware.

03 December 2024

George Caleb Bingham (1811-1879) - I

Capturados pelos Índios
Captured by Indians.

Daniel Boone a Guiar Colonos Através da Falha de Cumberland.
Daniel Boone Escorting Settlers Through Cumberland Gap.

A Pescar no Rio Mississipi.
Fishing on the Mississippi.

Festa na Chata.
Jolly Flatboatmen in Port.

Lei Marcial.
Martial Law.

Carteado na Chata.
Raftsmen Playing Cards.