Colombo Diante dos Reis de Espanha - 1843. Columbus Before the King and Queen of Spain - 1843. |
O Colar de Ambar - 1847. The Amber Necklace - 1847. |
A Rainha Isabel e Sir Raleigh - 1848. The Queen Elizabeth and Sir Raleigh - 1848. |
Jorge Washington a Cruzar o Delaware - 1851. George Washington Crossing the Delaware - 1851. |
A Sra. Schuyler a Queimar Seus Campos de Trigo ao Aproximar-se dos Ingleses - 1852. Mrs. Schuyler Burning Her Wheat Fields on the Approach of the British - 1852. |
A Princesa Izabel na Torre - 1860. Princess Elizabeth in the Tower - 1860. |