28 March 2019

Naturezas-Mortas - II (Still Lifes - II)

Giovanni Battista Crescenzi (1577-1635)
Natureza-Morta com Fruta, Vegetais e Cogumelos – 1615/20 – óleo sobre tela. Galleria Estense, Módena, Itália.
Still Life with Fruit, Vegetables and Mushrooms - 1615-20 - oil on canvas. Galleria Estense, Modena, Italy.
via WebGallery of Art with permission.

Abraham Susenier (ca. 1620-ca. 1668)

Natureza-Morta - 1663 – óleo sobre madeira. Coleção particular.

Still Life - 1663 - oil on wood. Private collection.

via WebGallery of Art with permission.

Bartolomé Pérez (1634-1693)

Vaso com Flores - ca. 1690 – óleo sobre madeira. Coleção particular.

Vase of Flowers - ca. 1690 - oil on wood. Private collection.

via WebGallery of Art with permission.

Christian Berentz (1658-1722) ´

Flores e  Frutos – 1689 – óleo sobre tela. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.

Flowers and Fruit – 1689 - oil on canvas. The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.

via WebGallery of Art with permission.

Jakab Bogdány (ca. 1660-1724)

Natureza-Morta com Pássaros – ca. 1715 – óleo sobre tela. Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapeste.

Still Life with Birds – ca. 1715 - oil on canvas. Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest.

via WebGallery of Art with permission.

Henri-Horace Roland De La Porte (ca. 1724-1793)

Natureza-Morta com Cesto de Uvas e Garrafa de Vinho – óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.

Still Life with Basket of Grapes and Bottle of Wine - oil on canvas. Private collection.

via WebGallery of Art with permission.

27 March 2019

Bernini e Davi Matador (Bernini and the Slayer David)

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)
Davi - 1623/24 - mármore de carrara. Galleria Borghese, Roma.
David - 1623/24 - carrara marble. Galleria Borghese, Rome.

via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

26 March 2019

Marinhas II (Seascapes II)

Adam Willaerts (1577-1664)
Paisagem Marinha - óleo sobre carvalho. Coleção particular.
Marine Landscape - oil on oak. Private collection.
via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

Claude-Joseph Verney (1714-1789)
Praia Mediterrânea com Mercante Holandês numa Baía - 1769 - óleo sobre tela.
A Coastal Nediterranean with a Dutch Merchantman in a Bay - 1769 - oil on canvas.

Giacomo Guardi (1764-1835)
Paisagem Próxima a Veneza - óleo sobre tela. Szépmûvészeti Múzeum, Budapeste.
Landscape in the Environs of Venice - oil on canvas. Szépmûvészeti Múzeum, Budapest.via Web Gallery of Art with permission.

Lev Feliksovich Lagorio (1827-1905)
Batum - 1881 - óleo sobre tela. Museu Regional de Belas-Artes de Oremburgo, Orenburgo, Rússia.
Batum - 1881 - oil on canvas. Orenburg Regional Museum of Fine Arts, Oremburg, Russia.

Henry Roderick Newman (1833-1918)
Filae Vista da Ilha de Biggeh - 1894 - aguarela.
Philae from the Island of Biggeh - 1894 - - watercolour.

Peter Graham (1836-1921)
A Rocha Marinha - 1902 - óleo sobre tela.
Sea Stack - 1902 - oil on canvas.

25 March 2019

Frederic Leighton (1830–1896) - I

Orfeo ed Euridice - 1864 - óleo sobre tela. Leighton House Museum, Londres.
Orfeo ed Euridice - 1864 - oil on canvas. Leighton House Museum, London.

Acme e Sétimo - ca. 1868. Coleção particular.
Acme and Septimus - ca. 1868. Private collection.

A Luz do Harém - ca. 1880 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
The Light of the Harem - ca. 1880 - oil on canvas. Private collecion.

Casados - 1882 - óleo sobre tela. Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Austrália.
Wedded - 1882 - oil on canvas. Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

Jovens Gregas a Jogar Bola - 1889 - óleo sobre tela. The Dick Institute, Kilmarnock, Escócia.
Greek Girls Playing at Bal - 1889 - oil on canvas. The Dick Institute, Kilmarnock, Scotland.

Clítia - 1895/96. The Leighton House Museum, Londres.
Clytie - 1895/96. The Leighton House Museum, London.

23 March 2019

Cenas - II (Scenes - II)

Abraham van Calraet (1642-1722)
A Pescar no Gelo - ca. 1722 - óleo sobre madeira. Dulvich Picture Gallery, Londres.
Fishing on the Ice - ca. 1722 - oil on wood. Dulvich Picture Gallery, London.

Baade Knud (1808-1879)
Cena na Academia em  Copenhaga - ca. 1827 - óleo sobre tela. Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo, Noruega.
Scene from the Academy in Copenhagen - ca. 1827 - oil on canvas. Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo, Norway.

Daniel Ridgway Knight (1839-1924)
Indo à Lavanderia - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Going to the Wash-House - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Federico Zandomeneghi (1841-1917)
Jogos Infantis no Parque Monceau - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Children's Games in the Parc Monceau - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Edmund Charles Tarbell (1862-1938)
A Sala do Desjejum - ca. 1902 - óleo sobre tela.
The Breakfast Room - ca. 1902 - oil on canvas.

Carlos Baca-Flor (1869–1941)
A Vocação Natural - 1886 - óleo sobre tela. Museo del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, Lima, Perú.
The Natural Vocation - 1886 - oil on canvas. Museo del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, Lima, Peru.

22 March 2019

François Boucher (1703-1770) - I

Todas as figuras foram tiradas do sítio "Web Gallery of Art", com permissão de seus criadores.
All pics are from the "Web Gallery of Art" website with permission from its creators.

Pastoral Veraniça – 1749 - óleo sobre tela. Wallace Collection, Londres.
A Summer Pastoral – 1749 - oil on canvas. Wallace Collection, London.

Adoração dos Pastores – 1750 - óleo sobre tela. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lião, França.
Adoration of the Shepherds – 1750 - oil on canvas. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon, France.

O Pôr do Sol – 1752 - óleo sobre tela. Wallace Collection, Londres.
The Setting of the Sun – 1752 - oil on canvas. Wallace Collection, London.

O Nascer do Sol – 1753 - óleo sobre tela. Wallace Collection, Londres.
The Rising of the Sun – 1753 - oil on canvas. Wallace Collection, London.

Alegoria da Música – 1764 - óleo sobre tela. National Gallery of Art, Washington.
Allegory of Music – 1764 - oil on canvas. National Gallery of Art, Washington.

Alegoria da Música – ca. 1764 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção Particular.
Allegory of Music – ca. 1764 - oil on canvas. Private collection.