07 October 2019

Todas as Capas de "Adventures into the Unknown" - I (All Covers of "Adventures into the Unknown" - I)

Adventures into the Unknown #1 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Outono 1948.
Adventures into the Unknown #1 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Fall 1948.

Adventures into the Unknown #2 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Dezembro-Janeiro 1949.
Adventures into the Unknown #2 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - December-January 1949.

Adventures into the Unknown #3 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Fevereiro-Março 1949.
Adventures into the Unknown #3 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - February-March 1949.

Adventures into the Unknown #4 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Abril-Maio 1949.
Adventures into the Unknown #4 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - April-May 1949.

Adventures into the Unknown #5 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Junho-Julho 1949.
Adventures into the Unknown #5 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - June-July 1949.

Adventures into the Unknown #6 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Agosto-Setembro 1949.
Adventures into the Unknown #6 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - August-September 1949.

Adventures into the Unknown #7 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Outubro-Novembro 1949.
Adventures into the Unknown #7 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - October-November 1949.

Adventures into the Unknown #8 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Dezembro-Janeiro 1950.
Adventures into the Unknown #8 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - December-January 1950.

Adventures into the Unknown #9 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Fevereiro-Março 1950.
Adventures into the Unknown #9 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - February-March 1950.

Adventures into the Unknown #10 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Abril-Maio 1950.
Adventures into the Unknown #10 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - April-May 1950.

Adventures into the Unknown #11 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - Junho-Julho 1950.
Adventures into the Unknown #11 - Edvard Moritz - American Comics Group - June-July 1950.

Adventures into the Unknown #12 - Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - Agosto-Setembro 1950.
Adventures into the Unknown #12 -
Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - August-September 1950.

Adventures into the Unknown #13 - Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - Outubro-Novembro 1950.
Adventures into the Unknown #13 -
Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - October-November 1950.

Adventures into the Unknown #14 - Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - Dezembro-Janeiro 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #14 -
Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - December-January 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #15 - Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - Janeiro 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #15 -
Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - January 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #16 - Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - Fevereiro 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #16 -
Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - February 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #17 - Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - Março 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #17 -
Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - March 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #18 - Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - Abril 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #18 -
Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - April 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #19 - Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - Maio 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #19 -
Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - May 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #20 - Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - Junho 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #20 -
Ogden Whitney - American Comics Group - June 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #21 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Julho 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #21 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - July 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #22 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Agosto 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #22 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - August 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #23 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Setembro 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #23 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - September 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #24 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Outubro 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #24 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - October 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #25 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Novembro 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #25 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - November 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #26 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Dezembro 1951.
Adventures into the Unknown #26 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - December 1951.

Adventures into the Unknown #27 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Janeiro 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #27 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - January 1952.

Adventures into the Unknown #28 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Fevereiro 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #28 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - February 1952.

Adventures into the Unknown #29 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Março 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #29 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - March 1952.

Adventures into the Unknown #30 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Abril 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #30 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - April 1952.

Adventures into the Unknown #31 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Maio 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #31 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - May 1952.

Adventures into the Unknown #32 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Junho 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #32 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - June 1952.

Adventures into the Unknown #33 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Julho 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #33 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - July 1952.

Adventures into the Unknown #34 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Agosto 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #34 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - August 1952.

Adventures into the Unknown #35 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Setembro 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #35 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - September 1952.

Adventures into the Unknown #36 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Outubro 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #36 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - October 1952.

Adventures into the Unknown #37 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Novembro 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #37 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - November 1952.

Adventures into the Unknown #38 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group - Dezembro 1952.
Adventures into the Unknown #38 -
Ken Bald - American Comics Group - December 1952.

05 October 2019

Feliz aniversário, Peter Brown! (Happy birthday, Peter Brown!)

5 de Outubro, 1935.
Feliz aniversário, Peter Brown!

5th October, 1935.
Happy birthday, Peter Brown!

V: Réquiem ætérnam dona ei, Dómine.

R: Et lux perpétua lúceat ei.


Matthias Stom (ca. 1600-ca. 1660) - I

Sansão e Dalila - ca. 1635 - óleo sobre tela. Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Roma.
Samson and Delilah - ca. 1635 - oil on canvas. Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome.

Saul e a Bruxa de Endor - ca. 1635 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Saul and the Witch of Endor - ca. 1635 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Sara a Conduzir Agar a Abraão - 1637-39 - óleo sobre tela. Staatliche Museen, Berlim.
Sarah Leading Hagar to Abraham - 1637-39 - oil on canvas. Staatliche Museen, Berlin.

Velha com Vela - ca. 1645 - óleo sobre tela. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Old Woman with a Candle - ca. 1645 - oil on canvas. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

Velha a Rezar - ca. 1645 - óleo sobre tela. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
Old Woman Praying - ca. 1645 - oil on canvas. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Esaú e Jacó - ca. 1645 - ólo sobre tela. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Esau and Jacob - ca. 1645 - oil on canvas. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

04 October 2019

Feliz dia de São Francisco de Assis! (Merry St Francis of Assisi Day!)

4 de Outubro
Hoje é dia de relembrar São Francisco de Assis!
4th October
Today is the day to remembering Saint Francis of Assisi!

Os 20 Ignudi de Michelangelo (Michelangelo's 20 Ignudi)

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 – 1564).
teto da Capela Sistina - afresco - 1508/1512. Vaticano.
Sistine Chapel ceiling - fresco - 1508/1512. Vatican.
teto da Capela Sistina, vista geral.
Sistine Chapel ceiling, general view.

03 October 2019

John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) - II

Passeio Matutino – 1888 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
A Morning Walk – 1888 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Retrato da Sra. William Crowninshield Endicott, estudo - 1903 - lápis sobre papel. Peabody Museum, Salém.
Portrait of Mrs. William Crowninshield Endicott, study - 1903 - pencil on paper. Peabody Museum, Salem.

Olimpio Fusco - ca. 1910 - carvão e esfuminho sobre papel bege texturado. The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Olimpio Fusco - ca. 1910 - charcoal and stump on beige laid paper. The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

Camponês Siciliano, estudo - 1907.
A Sicilian Peasant, study - 1907.

Retrato de Beatrice Alice Fielden - 1911 - carvão.
Portrait of Beatrice Alice Fielden - 1911 - charcoal.

Sir William Hedworth Williamson - 1924 - carvão. Coleção particular.
Sir William Hedworth Williamson - 1924 - charcoal. Private collection.

02 October 2019

Feliz dia do seu Anjo da Guarda! (Today is your Gardian Angel's day!)

2 de Outubro
Hoje é dia de honrar e agradecer ao seu Anjo da Guarda!
2nd October
Today the day to honor and thanks your Gardian Angel!

Iluminuras - II (Illumination - II)

Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci (1339-1399) - Gradual de Santa Maria degli Angeli (Folio 60) - ca. 1370 - Têmpera e ouro sobre pergaminho. British Library, Londres.
Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci (1339-1399) - Gradual from Santa Maria degli Angeli (Folio 60) - ca. 1370 - Tempera and gold on parchment. British Library, London.

Bartolomeo Sanvito (ca. 1435-ca. 1518) - "Eneida" de Virgílio - 1490's - manuscrito (Kings Ms. 24). British Library, Londres.
Bartolomeo Sanvito (ca. 1435-ca. 1518) - Virgil's "Aeneid" - 1490's - manuscript (Kings Ms. 24). British Library, London.

Taddeo Crivelli (ativo entre 1451-ca. 1479) - Bíblia de Borso d'Este - 1455-61 - manuscrito (Ms. VG 12 lat. 422-23). Biblioteca Estense, Modena.
Taddeo Crivelli (active 1451-ca. 1479) - Bible of Borso d'Este - 1455-61 - manuscript (Ms. VG 12 lat. 422-23). Biblioteca Estense, Modena.

Gaspare da Padova (ativo entre 1466-1517 em Roma) – "Ética a Nicômaco" de Aristóteles - ca. 1470 - manuscript (BH Ms. 388). Biblioteca Historica, Universitat de Valencia, Valência.
Gaspare da Padova (active 1466-1517 in Rome) – "Ethica ad Nicomachum" by Aristotle - ca. 1470 - manuscript (BH Ms. 388). Biblioteca Historica, Universitat de Valencia, Valencia.

O juramento de Hipócrates num manuscrito bizantino do século XI. Biblioteca Vaticana, Vaticano.
The Hippocratic oath from a Byzantine manuscript of the eleventh century. Biblioteca Vaticana, Vatican.

Iluminura do "Petershausener Sakramentar" - 960/980, Alemanha.
Illuminated page from the "Petershausener Sakramentar" - 960/980, Germany.

01 October 2019

Jan van Scorel (1495-1562)

Madona com o Retrato dum Homem, díptico - 1525/30 - óleo sobre madeira. Kartinnaja Galeria, Tambov and Staatliche Museen, Berlim.
 Virgin and Child and Portrait of a Man, diptych - 1525/30 - oil on wood. Kartinnaja Gallery, Tambov and Staatliche Museen, Berlin.

Doze Membros da Irmandade dos Palmeiros de Harlem - 1528-29 - óleo sobre madeira. Frans Halsmuseum, Harlem.
Twelfe Members of the Haarlem Brotherhood of Jerusalem Pilgrims - 1528-29 - oil on wood. Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem.

Maria Madalena - ca. 1530 - óleo sobre madeira. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdão.
Mary Magdalen - ca. 1530 - oil on wood. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.

Retrato dum Estudante – 1531 - óleo sobre madeira. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Roterdão.
Portrait of a Schoolboy – 1531 - oil on wood. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam.

Madona dos Narcisos com Doadores - ca. 1535 - óleo sobre madeira. Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madri.
Madonna of the Daffodils with the Child and Donors - ca. 1535 - oil on wood. Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid.

Retrato de Joris van Egmond - 1535/40 - óleo sobre madeira. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdão.
Portrait of Joris van Egmond - 1535/40 - oil on wood. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.

30 September 2019

Feliz aniversário, Angie Dickinson! (Happy birthday, Angie Dickinson!)

30 de Setembro, 1931.
Feliz aniversário, Angie Dickinson!

30th September, 1931.
Happy birthday, Angie Dickinson!