22 February 2021

Feliz Aniversário, Elke Maravilha! (Happy Birthday, Elke Maravilha!)

22 de Fevereiro, 1945.
Feliz aniversário, Elke Maravilha!
22nd  February, 1945.
Happy birthday, Elke Maravilha!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.


Feliz Aniversário, Chopin! (Happy Birthday, Chopin!)

22 de Fevereiro, 1810.
Feliz aniversário, amigo Chopin!
22nd  February, 1810.
Happy birthday, Chopin, old friend!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.


20 February 2021

Feliz Aniversário, Pedro Aguinaga! (Happy Birthday, Pedro Aguinaga!)

20 de Fevereiro, 1950.
Feliz aniversário, Pedro Aguinaga!
20th  February, 1950.
Happy birthday, Pedro Aguinaga!

Feliz Aniversário, Robert Altman! (Happy Birthday, Robert Altman!)

20 de Fevereiro, 1925.
Feliz aniversário, Robert Altman!
20th  February, 1925.
Happy birthday, Robert Altman!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.


Pieter Brueghel, o Jovem (1564-1638) [Pieter Brueghel, the Younger (1564-1638)]

Massacre dos Inocentes – ca. 1615. Coleção particular.
Massacre of the Innocents – ca. 1615. Private collection.

Pieter Brueghel, the Younger

Os Sete Atos de Misericórdia - após 1616 - óleo sobre madeira. Coleção particular.
The Seven Acts of Mercy - after 1616 - oil on wood. Private collection.

Pieter Brueghel, the Younger

A Crucifixão – 1617 - óleo sobre madeira. Szépmûvészeti Múzeum, Budapeste.
Crucifixion – 1617 - oil on wood. Szépmûvészeti Múzeum, Budapest.

Pieter Brueghel, the Younger

Paisagem Invernal com Arapuca - óleo sobre madeira. Coleção particular.
Winter Landscape with a Bird-trap - oil on wood. Private collection.

Pieter Brueghel, the Younger

Paisagem Invernal com Arapuca - óleo sobre madeira. Museo del Prado, Madri.
Winter Landscape with a Bird-trap - oil on wood. Museo de Prado, Madrid.

Pieter Brueghel, the Younger

Batalha entre Carnaval e Quaresma - óleo sobre madeira. Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelas.
Battle of Carnival and Lent - oil on wood. Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels.

Pieter Brueghel, the Younger6

19 February 2021

Arte Grega - VIII (Greeek Art - VIII)

ânfora  - ca. 530 A.C. - terracota. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
amphora - ca. 530 B.C. - terracotta. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Kratera de Eufrônio, detalhe: A Morte de Sarpedão - 515 A.C. - Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nova Iorque.
Euphronios Krater, detail: The Death of Sarpedon - 515 B.C. - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Pintor Sosias (active ca. 510-490 B.C.) - Aquiles a Pensar o Braço de Pátroclo - taça tondo. Altes Museum, Berlin.
Sosias Painter (active ca. 510-490 B.C.) - Achilles Bandaging Patroclus’ arm - cup tondo. Altes Museum, Berlin.

Pintor Aison (ativo ca. 435-415 A.C.) - Afrodite e Adônis, lequito - ca. 410 A.C. Musee du Louvre, Paris. Foto de Jastrow via Wikipedia.
Aison Painter (active ca. 435-415 B.C.) - Aphrodite and Adonis, lekythos - ca. 410 B.C. Musee du Louvre, Paris. Photo by Jastrow via Wikipedia.

Morte de Talos - (400-395 A.C.) - cratera.
The Death of Talos - (400-395 B.C.) - krater.

hidra - ca. 330-300 A.C. - terracota, colônia grega da Campânia.
hydria - ca. 330-300 B.C. - terracotta, Greek colony at Campania.