18 February 2022

Feliz Aniversário, Jonathan Haggerty! (Happy Birthday, Jonathan Haggerty!)

18 de Fevereiro, 1997.
Feliz aniversário, Jonathan Haggerty!
18th  February, 1997.
Happy birthday, Jonathan Haggerty!

Rezemos por Jonathan Haggerty e sua família!

Let us pray for Jonathan Haggerty and his family!


17 February 2022

Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867) - II

Promenades d'un Artiste - 1833.
Andernach - gravura por Robert Brandard.
Andernach - etching and engraving by Robert Brandard.

Castelo de Heidelberg - gravura de James Tibbetts Willmore.
Castle of Heidelberg - etching and engraving by James Tibbetts Willmore.

Ehrenbreitstein, Prússia - gravura de Robert Brandard.
Ehrenbreitstein, Prusse - etching and engraving by Robert Brandard.

Porto de São Malo - gravura de W. Floyd
Harbour of Saint Malo - etching and engraving by W. Floyd

Monte São Miguel - gravura de William Miller.
Mount Saint Michel - etching and engraving by William Miller.

Muros de São Malo - gravura de Robert William Wallis.
The Ramparts of Saint Malo - etching and engraving by Robert William Wallis.

16 February 2022

Cenas Bíblicas - X (Biblical Scenes - X)

Abraham Bloemaert (1566-1651)
Parábola do Joio e do Trigo - 1624 - óleo sobre tela.
Parable of the Tares Among the Wheat - 1624 - oil on canvas.

Bartolomeo Schedoni (1578-1615)
As Duas Marias no Túmulo – 1613 - óleo sobre tela. Galleria Nazionale, Parma, Itália.
The Two Marys at the Tomb – 1613 - oil on canvas. Galleria Nazionale, Parma, Italy.

Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem (1620–1683)
Anunciação aos Padtores. Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol, Inglaterra.
The Annunciation to the Shepherds. Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol, England.

Antonio Balestra (1666-1740)
Caim e Abel - óleo sobre tela - 1733. Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield, Inglaterra.
Cain and Abel - oil on canvas - 1733. Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield, England.

Alexander Louise Leloir (1843-1884)
Jacó a Lutar com o Anjo - 1865.
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel - 1865.

Aimé Morot (1850-1913)
O Bom Samaritano - 1880. Musée du Petit Palais, Paris.
The Good Samaritan - 1880. Musée du Petit Palais, Paris.

15 February 2022

Lembremo-nos do Exemplo Dado pelos 21 Ortodoxos Coptas! (Let Us Remember the Example Set by the 21 Copts Orthodox!)

15 de Fevereiro, 2015.
Lembremo-nos do exemplo dado pelos 21 ortodoxos coptas martirizados pelo ISIS!
15th  February, 2015.
Let us remember the example set by the 21 Copts Orthodox martyred by ISIS!
Bishoy Adel Khalaf,
Samuel Alhoam Wilson,
Hany Abdel-Masih Salib,
Melad Mackeen Zaki,
Abanoub Ayad Attia,
Ezzat Bushra Nassif,
Yousef Shokry Younan,
Kirillos Shukry Fawzy,
Majed Suleiman Shehata,
Somali Stéphanos Kamel,
Malak Ibrahim Siniot,
Bishoy Stéphanos Kamel,
Mena Fayez Aziz,
Girgis Melad Sniout,
Tawadros Youssef Tawadros,
Essam Badr Samir,
Luke Ngati,
Jaber Mounir Adly,
Malak Faraj Abram,
Sameh Salah Farouk,
Matthew Ayariga.

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.


Clara Peeters (1607-1621)

Natureza-Morta com Peixes e Castiçal - 1611 - óleo sobre madeira. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madri.
Still Life of Fish and a Candlestick - 1611 - oil on wood. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid.

Natureza-Morta com Flores, Cálice e Guloseimas - 1611 - óleo sobre madeira. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madri.
Still Life with Flowers, Goblet and Dainties - 1611 - oil on panel. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid.

Mesa - ca. 1611 - óleo sobre madeira. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madri.
Table - ca. 1611 - oil on wood. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid.

Natureza-Morta com Flores e Troféus Doirados - 1612 - óleo sobre madeira. Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Alemanha.
Still Life with Flowers and Gold Cups of Honour - 1612 - oil on wood. Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Natureza-Morta com Queijos, Amèndoas e Pretzels - ca 1615 - óleo sobre madeira. Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis, Haia, Holanda.
Still Life with Cheeses, Almonds, and Pretzels - ca 1615 - oil on wood. Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis, The Hague, The Netherlands.

Queijos com Faca, Lagostim, Camarão, Copo de Vinho e Pão - ca. 1625 - óleo sobre madeira.
Cheesestack with Knife, Shrimp, Crayfish, Glass of Wine and Bread - ca. 1625 - oil on wood.

14 February 2022

Atribuições - X (Attributions - X)

atribuído a São Lucas.
Salus Populi Romani (Retrato de Nossa Senhora).
attributed to Saint Luke.
Salus Populi Romani (Portrait of Our Lady).

atribuído a François Duquesnoy (1597-1643).
O Cristo Manietado. National Gallery of Art, Washington.
attributed to François Duquesnoy (1597-1643).
Christ Bound. National Gallery of Art, Washington.

atribuído a Philips Wouwerman (1619–1668).
Paisagem. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, Inglaterra.
attributed to Philips Wouwerman (1619–1668).
Landscape. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England.

atribuído a Simon Challe (1719-1765).
segundo o Antinoüs Albani - ca. 1750.
attributed to Simon Challe (1719-1765).
after the Antinoüs Albani - ca. 1750.

atribuído a Jacques-Edme Dumont (1761-1844).
Um Jovem e seu Cão - ca. 1825 - terracota. Coleção particular.
attributed to Jacques-Edme Dumont (1761-1844).
Young Man and His Dog - ca. 1825 - terracotta. Private collection.

atribuído a Jean-Léonard Lugardon (1801-1884).
Retrato dum Homem - 1835.
attributed to Jean-Léonard Lugardon (1801-1884).
Portrait of a Man - 1835.

Feliz Aniversário, Thelma Ritter! (Happy Birthday, Thelma Ritter!)

14 de Fevereiro, 1905.
Feliz aniversário, Thelma Ritter!
14th  February, 1905.
Happy birthday, Thelma Ritter!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.
