27 February 2024

Shōtei e o Monte Fuji. (Shōtei and the Mount Fuji)

 Hiroaki Takahashi (Shōtei) (1871–1945).
várias vistas do Monte Fuji da séries "O Monte Fuji nas Quatro Estações Four Seasons - ca. 1935 - xilografia.
various views of Monte Fuji from the series "The Mount Fuji in the Four Seasons" - ca. 1935 - 
woodblock print.

Feliz Aniversário, Van Williams! (Happy Birthday, Van Williams!)

27 de Fevereiro, 1934.
Feliz aniversário, Van Williams!
27th  February, 1934.
Happy birthday, Van Williams!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.


26 February 2024

Earl Norem (1923-2015) - I.

The Savage Sword Of Conan #90 - Marvel, Julho 1983.
The Savage Sword Of Conan #90 - Marvel, July 1983.

Fantastic Four: the island of danger. Nova Iorque: Marvel, 1984.
Fantastic Four: the island of danger. New York: Marvel, 1984.

Transformers: the great car rally - Nova Iorque: Marvel Books, 1984.
Transformers: the great car rally - New York: Marvel Books, 1984.

The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson - Nova Iorque: Marvel Books, 1986 - pg.9.
The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson - New York: Marvel Books, 1986 - pg.9.

Conan, estudo para "The Savage Sword of Conan" #171 - Marvel, 1990.
Conan, study for "The Savage Sword of Conan" #171 - Marvel, 1990.

Justiçeiro e Viúva Negra - Marvel, Dezembro 1992.
Punisher and Black Widow - Marvel, December 1992.

Feliz Aniversário, Mark Dacascos! (Happy Birthday, Mark Dacascos!)

26 de Fevereiro, 1964.
Feliz aniversário, Mark Dacascos!
26th  February, 1964.
Happy birthday, Mark Dacascos!

Rezemos por Mark Dacascos e sua família!

Let us pray for Mark Dacascos and his family!


Feliz Aniversário, Tony Randall! (Happy Birthday, Tony Randall!)

26 de Fevereiro, 1920.
Feliz aniversário, Tony Randall!
26th  February, 1920.
Happy birthday, Tony Randall!

. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine

. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:

. Requiescat in pace.

. Amen.
