22 April 2024

Feliz Aniversário, Jack Nicholson! (Happy Birthday, Jack Nicholson!)

22 de Abril, 1937.
Feliz aniversário, Jack Nicholson!
22nd April, 1937.
Happy birthday, Jack Nicholson!

Rezemos por Jack Nicholson e sua família!

Let us pray for Jack Nicholson and his family!


Descoberta da Terra de Santa Cruz! (Discovery of the Land of the Holy Cross!)

22 Abril, 1500.
Salve, Mestre Pedro Álvares Cabral e companheiros!
22nd April, 1500.
Master Pedro Álvares Cabral and companions!

Relembre os Santos Epipódio e Alexandre! (Remember Saints Epipodius and Alexander!)

22 de Abril
Relembre o exemplo dos Santos Epipódio e Alexandre!
22nd April
Remember the exemple of  Saints Epipodius and Alexander!
Sancti epipodius et Alexander, orate pro nobis.

20 April 2024

The Adventures of Sam Spade Wildroot Cream-Oil Hair Tonic

The Dummy in the Wax Museum!
in "Hopalong Cassidy #17" - Fawcett, Março 1948.
The Dummy in the Wax Museum!
in "Hopalong Cassidy #17" - Fawcett, March 1948.

The Case of the Killer Cat!
in "Mary Marvel #26" - Fawcett, Julho 1948.
The Case of the Killer Cat!
in "Mary Marvel #26" - Fawcett, July 1948.

The Man with the Purple Hand.
in "Ozzie and Babs #5" - Fawcett, Outubro 1948.
The Man with the Purple Hand.
in "Ozzie and Babs #5" - Fawcett, October 1948.

The Case of the Little Lead Box.
in "Romance Trail #2" - DC Comics, Setembro-Outubro 1949.
The Case of the Little Lead Box.
in "Romance Trail #2" - DC Comics, September-October 1949.

The Case of the 50 Year Old Clue.
in "All-American Western #110" - DC Comics, Outubro-Novembro 1949.
The Case of the 50 Year Old Clue.
in "All-American Western #110" - DC Comics, October-November 1949.

19 April 2024

Juan de Valdés Leal (1622-1690).

Ecce Homo - ca. 1656 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
Ecce Homo - ca. 1656 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Ascenção de Elias - ca. 1658 - óleo sobre tela. Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Córdoba, Espanha.
Ascension of Elijah - ca. 1658 - oil on canvas. iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Carmen , Córdoba, Spain.

Cabeça de Mulher - ca. 1658 - óleo sobre tela. O Hermitage, São Petersburgo.
Head of a Woman - ca. 1658 - oil on canvas. The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg.

O Sacrifício de Isaque - ca. 1658 - óleo sobre tela. Coleção particular.
The Sacrifice of Isaac - ca. 1658 - oil on canvas. Private collection.

Assunção de Nossa Senhora - 1659 - óleo sobre tela. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
Assumption of the Virgin - 1659 - oil on canvas. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.

Jesus a Carregar Sua Cruz - ca. 1661 - óleo sobre tela. Museo de Bellas Artes, Bilbao, Espanha.
Jesus Carrying His Cross - ca. 1661 - oil on canvas. Museo de Bellas Artes, Bilbao, Spain.

Finis Gloriae Mundi - ca. 1671 - óleo sobre tela. Hospital de la Caridad, Sevilha, Espanha.
Finis Gloriae Mundi - ca. 1671 - oil on canvas. Hospital de la Caridad, Seville, Spain.

In Ictu Oculi - ca. 1671 - óleo sobre tela. Hospital de la Caridad, Sevilha, Espanha.
In Ictu Oculi - ca. 1671 - oil on canvas. Hospital de la Caridad, Seville, Spain.